Anyone else ever set off a smoke detector with a fart?

The hotel staff showed up at the room within 2 minutes - the methane was hanging from the ceiling like Spanish moss
that is very impressive indeed

a good clinger hard to do sometimes

That's what I like about Korean BBQ

same smell going in as when it goes out

100% efficient
Brass u fat?

Nah - most of the time I eat sensibly. But, when I have to travel, sometimes I don't eat at the right times, get to a hotel and then eat whatever is around. I didn't eat all that shit at the same time. I had the onion rings at lunch. That gave them time to ferment, I guess.
What's surprising is no messican food was involved.

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Boomer thread . Boomer joke . Pathetic . . . .

Sincerely ,

a non Boomer .

Typical of non-boomers - can't leave home and sit in the basement and whine about it. Basically, you are stuck here in your parents basement. Be free, little butterfly, go away.
I ' m on the go on a cell phone . Get with the times Boomer . Don ' t have to be on a desktop to post on a forum anymore .

Sincerely ,

a non Boomer .
See - you don't think straight.

TW is a place that you say you want to be out of and it's full of Boomers. You are still here in the basement. Go away. Fly little butterfly, fly. You have wings and cell service. Be gone. Just be careful of the bug zappers.