Why are Seagate drives so goddamn bad

Make sure the HDD is CMR and not SMR and you shouldn't have any problems in things like DVR/NVR/etc.

List of WD CMR and SMR hard drives (HDD) NAS Compares

Skyhawk Lite are SMR on the 1tb and 2tb models.

Edit: To explain why, SMR is shit, it requires periods of inactivity to consolidate data, otherwise they throw a hard IO error and most devices will then mark the drive as failed.
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Poor people threads, poor people posters.

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I got a Samdung SSD last year and the performance has already tanked. Everything is a piece of shit.
I'll see about a firmware update for the DVR that may unfuck the shingling, then try connecting it in a windows box. Not too worried as the replacement should be here tomorrow. I've got another DVR connected in the meantime.
I dunno if most people will remember but back in the day there were hard drives called Maxtor, and they were fucking solid af. I loved them. The second Seagate purchased them I moved the fuck on.