Recent content by veritasaequitas

  1. V

    COD: Black Ops Xbox360... Is it worth it?

    I've seen people complaining all over the internet about bugs, game play, you name it. I was wondering if you guys think it's worth it. I tried to search for a thread that would answer this on here and found nothing. I just want to know, should I go out and spend money on this? I enjoyed MW2 a...
  2. V

    No longer a member...

    But I'm still a member to you, aren't I?
  3. V

    I Feel Like Warmed Death.

    I've been up since tuesday at 7 am. I've had 3 coffees, 2 redbulls, 7.5 miligrams of aderall, 1 five hour energy, I'm about to drink a six hour energy and I've got 5 more miligrams of adderall in my pocket. All because of finals... Who here thinks my heart will stop before I finish my exam...
  4. V

    Shaving trifecta now in play

    I shave with a straight razor using a combo of badger hair brush and almond soap. I'm not interested in what you all use to shave... just suprised to see two shaving threads start up at once. Had to make the third. Now, lets discuss pooping like you all know we want to.
  5. V

    I cant stand this shit

    I'm in class right now (why else would I be on TW?) while my professor is having a mental wrestling match with a fucking VCR. Seriously?! You have an advanced degree and you cant operate something that was invented almost forty fucking years ago?! Anyway, sorry. How many of you out there have to...