Recent content by uwlax_echo

  1. U

    gay mallard necrophilia

    ofn? but fucking hilarious... source:
  2. U

    Who Won The Debate?!

    please vote:
  3. U

    wtf, tw...

    i have seen a severe shortage in porn in the past day or two... your penises stop working or something? get with the program! i shall start with a personal favorite...
  4. U

    Attention Tw Republican Voters:

    this article ( led me to a question for all of you... if something were to happen to bush.. would you still vote for cheney as president this fall? or would you vote for someone else?
  5. U

    i hate oktoberfest...

    i'm in the marching band at my university... i play one of those HUGE bass drums... just got back from the 4 mile parade.. i was in that uniform and with that drum for 8 hours straight... no one wants to get into black wool at 6am. btw.. it's hot as fuck out.. BEFORE the uniforms. and so...
  6. U

    i think irc is out to get me....

    i WAS able to get on.. but now all it gives me is this message: * [10053] Software caused connection abort can anybody tell me how to fix this?
  7. U

    Question for the nerds of TW...

    is it possible to download a voice mail from a cell phone onto a computer? if so, does anyone know how?
  8. U

    my girlfriend is HOT!! [pics]

    click here to see!
  9. U

    remember that miller commercial...

    the great debate between miller and bud lite? the one where he made up words.. like "burgerflickle" ...i'm trying to find it online... anyone know of a link?
  10. U

    all i want for christmas is...