Recent content by stefenkillsit

  1. S

    any twers in new orleans?

    so, I'm gonna be headed towards new orleans, and I was wondering if there were any twers there. I was also wondering if it would be difficult to find any temporary work, say, helping clean up katrina. I hear there is still lots of work to do.
  2. S

    when your on the streets with a needle in your arm

    sellin' your body for another fix who's gonna pick you up and use you for tonight
  3. S

    [mpls] who hangs out at the hard times?

    I was just wondering if there were any TWers who hang out at the hard times. I've been chillin' there since I was a kid.
  4. S

    I got cummed on

    I'm officially GWAR vet3
  5. S

    Every hero has a system I could only stop time, that'd be the greatest power ever.
  6. S

    I'm gonna go see GWAR on the 30th

    GWAR is pretty fuckin' rightous. If they're coming to or near your town, I suggest you go see them.
  7. S

    [linux] What's a cool windows manager...screenshots?

    I've been looking around for a cool windows manager, i'm a linux noob and I want it to look cool, any suggestions?
  8. S

    [computers]Looking for a cheap, yet large hard drive

    can anybody suggest a hard drive, and a place to buy it...I'm thinking somewhere in the range of 200gigs would be fine...the more the better but I'm on a budget, so not too expensive.
  9. S

    List your top three bands of the 1990's

    1. Modest mouse 2. Nirvana 3.........i'll decide later [edit]I can't put Nirvana there, that was '88, so in place of 2, it's.......
  10. S

    how do I generate prime numbers in c++

    I think I am thinking too hard about it but I can not figure it out
  11. S

    [ipod help]my ipod doesn't work "usb device not recognized"

    so I got an ipod for my birthday, and it won't connect to my usb port, I really would like to use it but it won't work. I've tried so many different things that I've read about on forums, nothin works, I even tried the reg hack in HKEY_LOCAL_SYSTEM. Tribalwar, please help!