Recent content by Sajent

  1. S

    [vid] Bishop's Castle

    NEeZX-qY78A If you ever make it to Southern Colorado you gotta check out Bishop's Casle. ...and chat it up with Mr. Bishop.
  2. S

    [vid] sportbike double crash

    rnNu79aTDz8 :lol:
  3. S

    Looking for guild on Anetheron

    Just recently picked the game back up after not touching it since June. Part of a guild atm but their a bunch of lowbies. Sgank 60 Undead Priest
  4. S

    Wrong Version

    Anyone else getting the invalid game version error? Blizzard support and WoW forums are not loading or loading very slow so I'm guessing others might have the same problem. Is there a fix?
  5. S

    [Poll] "Potty"

    What comes to mind first when you hear the word "potty"? A. Pee B. Poo C. Both
  6. S

    [Audio] Deer done bit me!

    :ofn: Classic bambulance call that I done heared on the Mancow show the other mornin. Didn't see it on the google so I thought I'd share it. Click here to watch Deer-done-bit-me--thx-Mancow
  7. S

    [vid] OkGo Dance

    :ofn: didn't find it on search though OkGo Dance : On treadmills! I love thier music videos
  8. S

    tribalwars world 2 forum

    can someone link me to the forum. I'm at work and is blocked thx
  9. S

    Tip for you lonely TW losers

    Chicks dig dig d i g dig dig metaphors. Use 'em wisely Use 'em well and you'll never know the hell of loneliness metaphor.mp3 <3 mancow
  10. S

    steam issue

    Anybody else have the problem were steam wants to update itself even though you have already updated before. Its like steam travels back to the past! WTF! this prog sucks.
  11. S

    cs:s playdemo help

    so i go into the console and enter the playdemo demoname i then get this and thats it. if i hit resume game i just get a blank black screen. Anyone else have this problem?
  12. S

    WoW on PC Gamer dvd w/ 14 day free trial

    I got this months PC Gamer and noticed a full copy of WoW on it with a 14 free day trial. Kind of nice because I was considering if I should buy the game. So if anyone is interested in playing WoW who has never played, its a good idea to pick up the september 2005 issue of PC Gamer for $7.99...
  13. S

    mouse wheel bound to keyboard key

    is there a program that allows the mouse wheel scroll to be bound to a key on the keyboard?
  14. S

    [so] I was working out in the yard [pic]

    My mommy always told me to put on the sun block when working under the sun. She would be so proud... Well almost... My arms just couldn't reach far enough to get the rest of my back. I have failed at protecting my pasty white skin.
  15. S

    [T2TV] What other games have something simular?

    I know there is plenty of shoutcasts for other games besides tribes but do any of them have anything like T2TV or are we the first and only to witness live demo casts.