Recent content by Kroh_Lykwoh

  1. K

    [Snake breed] What the fuck is this?

    + rep for every funny or informative post :D
  2. K

    [Soloflesh] Water balloon pussy?

    NWS? aYEgcddLzVs
  3. K

    The end of the Mayan calendar 12/24/11 or 12/21/12?

    wtf is this video qKlcheOXx00
  4. K

    [This Just In] Spongebob is bad for kids! [duh]

    'SpongeBob SquarePants' tied to kids low attention span. Watching SpongeBob Makes Preschoolers Slower Thinkers, Study Finds - ABC News
  5. K

    [woah] This woman loves whale penis

    EGKFiPwpDdQ :lol:
  6. K


    ...robots in disguise Real transformers - YouTube Edit: :fu: I don't care if It's ofn :fu:
  7. K

    [nerd question] Jedi vanishing act

    Why did Obi-Wan and Yoda disappear when they died, but not Qui-Gon? edit:+ rep for helpful answers
  8. K

    [Vid] Naked Therapy

    OFN? YouTube - Sarah White - Naked Therapist This glorified striper thinks she's a therapist :rofl:
  9. K

    A question for the wise TribalWar community.

    Same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia My question is can they get married if one of them gets a sex change operation?