Recent content by Keyser

  1. K

    Is anyone happy with their PS3?

    I hear so many threads about how much they suck, no one should get it and so forth. I'm not entirely certain if these are people that actually OWN one or they have opinions on the subject. I want to just know if people are at least somewhat happy with theirs.
  2. K

    all you detroit residents...

    A friend of mine and I recently had an argument over who is more popular in Detroit. Eminem or Kid Rock. Seeing as I've never been there, I figured I would throw the question out. I'm not saying you have to like either of them. I'm only asking because my buddy said that when he lived in...
  3. K

    sport where they are kicking the mini soccer ball around

    there was a video a couple months ago with some people kicking this mini soccer ball to eachother like a hackey sack. does someone have a link or a name? didn't even think of saving it.
  4. K

    Please Help with Japanese movie...

    There is a Japanese Horror/Mystery ghost story. Called something like Jun - Oh or Juh - On. Just need the title and place to watch the trailer. Thanks
  5. K

    New Zatoichi Film? OFN?

    Are there any of you that remember the old Blind Swordsman films. They were pretty humerous and very good. They are coming out with a new feature film. Just wondering your thoughts.
  6. K

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre question...

    Is this new movie coming out a remake? or is it a sequel? I was under the understanding it was a remake, but I have heard it's kind of different. Please help.
  7. K

    maybe ofn...bear falling out of tree onto trampoline has anyone seen's about some bear up in a tree in missouri or somewhere. They shoot it with a tranq but not after putting a trampoline under it. this is ofn for certain, but i just saw it...and there may be others that havent...
  8. K

    I'm an idiot and I need help setting up a network.

    Got some questions, most likely stupid ones, to ask. Please PM me in irc.
  9. K

    Just rented Verses...

    Just got done watching this movie. Loved it, but it was cut up pretty bad. Is there an unedited version I can pick up in stores, or is it one of those things i need to order from some abstract movie site. Also, how is this in comparison to gore with Ichi the Killer. Haven't seen Ichi, but...
  10. K

    Cinco De Mayo!!!

    Happy Cinco De Mayo!!! Since it is such a glorious and momentous occasion...I promise not to do any drive-by's and shoot at any white people. Everyone is Mexican today! Be safe and have fun. :bandit:
  11. K

    all that is sLaM and homoeroticness...

    Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday...Mr. President. Happy Birthday to you. TU CIATE, COME MIERDA... :bandit: