Recent content by [FX]LePoisson

  1. F

    Marshall Islands, and related girl issue

    First and foremost, I'm wondering if anyone's spent an appreciable amount of time in the Marshall Islands. I know there's people from far and wide on TW, and I'm leaving to volunteer in Majuro (Laura) for a year, on Friday. Any advice and/or packing tips would be greatly appreciated. Also, a...
  2. F

    [Modern Film Noir] Brick

    I'm not sure how widespread its release is, but I just saw 'Brick' tonight and thought it was really interesting and definitely worth a watch. If any of you are interested in dark humor/detective stories, it's definitely worth a viewing.
  3. F

    Taking virginity/Dealing with a virgin

    So I've been with this girl for a while now, and we've been getting really intimate and whatnot. I like her alot, and we've talked about expressing out affection physically, but she's kind of scared that it'll hurt/that she'll bleed alot (she's a virgin) and whatnot. I haven't ever had to deal...
  4. F

    Window gone off-screen

    Alright, so this seems like a really silly question, but it's been bugging me lately. How do I retrieve a window that's been moved completely off the screen? The application that I use to check my school's e-mail somehow ended up completely off the screen, and I can't use it in anything other...
  5. F

    Getting a new laptop.. Thoughts on the Sony Vaio TR2?;sid=VkGpUwIxVZipcT2eT22jWE0-a0zGm8Kn6YA=?CategoryName=cpu_VAIONotebookComputers_TRSeries&Dept=cpu Thinking about getting a new laptop for school. The Vaio TR2 line was recommended by one of my homies...
  6. F

    To |5150|cock-asian (sLaM?)

    Hey: I know this kind of thing isn't supposed to be brought to TW, but I couldn't find you on IRC and I wasn't sure if cock-asian was a member of tw or could accept tw PMs (plus, none of the other people in your channel are responding). So anyways, while I was playing in your server, my...
  7. F

    FS: Mad Dog Geforce FX 5600 Plus

    Won it from a CompUSA drawing. Still sealed in its cellophane, and seems to have pretty nice features. From the side of the box: Features: 256-bit GPU AGP 8x (backward compatible to AGP 4x and 2x) 325 MHz GPU clock 128 MB of FAST 550 MHz DDR Memory 1.3 Billion Texels/sec fill rate 8.8 GB/sec...