Recent content by DobermanN

  1. D

    [Search] T2 movie

    Hello all, i remember a cool video made by japanese clan ( or well players) with many many good actions and great skills. Does anyone of you remember the name of that movie or has it? I remember that the songs of the video were "in the end" and "crawling" of Linkn Park. Thanks
  2. D

    [Request] Add keybutton to drop pack

    I think that in the final release you must add a keybutton in order to drop pack. why? Tm is repairing base..uses rep pack.. owned by HO and then killed by someone in D (rep pack is on the ground recharging). Assuming an LD spawn at base looks all down and equip the rep pack on the ground...he...
  3. D

    T:V demoplay

    I've just recorded a solo demo and played it too. Now got some question 1° Beyond to the POV of recorder, there are a pre made "observatory spot" to see what are making other players too? (i pressed many times sx button and jumped trough those spots before the camera goes 1stperson on me) 2°...
  4. D

    T:V recordings quick question :)

    Dunno where the old thread is :) so i open a new one for a quick question. Will T:V be retrocompatible with older recordings of previous version (1.0, 1.1 ecc..depending on how many patches you'll release :P)? I hope so..
  5. D

    [T:V] practice feature?

    Dunno if it was asked before. Since i've played t1 i've used to practice maps with legit mod ( with beacon teleport and loudaut spawn, flag recall ecc.) because boosts your map learning. In T2 i missed this and i've requested on this forum if some of uberscripters can do a t2 practic mod ....and...
  6. D

    Test in LA?

    Hemm any news, movie.... nothing? :(
  7. D

    [T2 Req] Fix for demo pls

    Ok, first: i'm using T2 demofix playback by Roche but still got probs. Here are the facts. Ie: Teammate A records 3 demo of 3 different maps. After he shares them and: the first one freezes/quits the second one works good the third works good also. Sometimes happens that a demo of Teammate...