Will history remember Trump as the worst President in history?

Will history remember Trump as the worst President in history?

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The idea that Trump himself did something to destroy the country is revisionist history at a highly accelerated rate.

People were marching in the streets for his head before he even took office.
I still have yet to see or hear anyone say what trump did to 'destroy' the country
He divided us, Juggs!

Gosh! Haven't you been listening to the leftists for years now? They've been saying he's a KKK white supremacist neo-nazi jew-killer and nigger hater since 2015!
I still have yet to see or hear anyone say what trump did to 'destroy' the country

He didn't, and I disagree with people saying that. The US is bigger than that. . .it's the same as when people said that Clinton or W or Obama or whomever destroyed the country. Of course they didn't.
Impeached Twice. First time in history. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way oot.

Case closed

He didn't, and I disagree with people saying that. The US is bigger than that. . .it's the same as when people said that Clinton or W or Obama or whomever destroyed the country. Of course they didn't.

Clinton raided social security for the general fund to 'balance the budget

Obama sold off 1/4 of our uranium to the evil russians and gave nuclear tech to terrorist states
And yet the country still seems to be here.
Oh... is that what we are calling the US? I thought countries were insensitive to all the people not living in it, and that in order to have a country, you need to have borders. And, you know, borders are racist, and we don't want to be that now, do we? Of course not.

No borders, no walls, no USA at all. Memberberries? 4 long years of hearing that shit.
And yet the country still seems to be here.

with a failing social security system that will never pay out to the people that have and continue to pay into it for their entire working lives

as far as the uraninum goes....for the last 4 years people have been losing their minds at the thought of the POTUS just talking to Russia...but selling 1/4th of our country's nuclear material is okey doke

the media got everyone riled up over their feeling and lies about trump.

but trump was all about doing so as time goes by and we look back we will see that he accomplished a hell of a lot of stuff that no one knew anything about.