[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Whole crowd should have taken their mask off
im embarrassed for the beta cucks that sat there

i have to admit when i see these things i worry about my initial reaction. if that was my gf i imagine i would attempt to ahoulder spear tackle this fat fuck down the bleachers and have one of us end up paralyzed. or prison.
That was true when he said it. I'm not sure if you just want the guy to have a crystal ball or what? Can you tell me the winning lottery numbers next week, that'd be great.

lmao is this real life, flash talking about a crystal ball and covid numbers :lol:

flash when have u ever gotten the numbers right bro
good to see we’re taking this virus seriously. we cant have women sit outdoors. the lives of the sick and elderly that lived past avg life expectancy need to be protected at all costs.

why don't people just follow orders? stop resisting!
Excuse me sir did you not get the memo that COVID-19 was racist towards blacks? It was a genetic modification bye the Trump administration that makes the virus cling to people with intensified self victimization

Of course but there aren't that many in my county.
i heard that one of Q's next targets is taking down "no shirt no shoes no service"
have you heard any intel?


juggz listen to tehvul. you and your wife should go out to as many bars and restaurants as you can without wearing a mask.

it's time you reclaim america for americans!