
Sure, I get that, but there's a significant proportion of the population that are too dumb too think for themselves and instead put their trust in those appointed as leaders to guide them. Trump's blatant denial of all of the science and refusal to wear a mask, because it doesn't sit well with the tough guy image he likes to portray to his base, has a direct and obvious consequence. A big part of this mess is entirely on him, doesn't matter how you sugar coat it.

lets pull that thread for a minute. I agree that Trump's actions have an impact. He doesn't let the virus dictate how he lives his life, and that is how I am. But to your point, Trump doesn't wear a mask, and so people don't and they get it and pass it to the vulnerable, who die (or are in nursing homes where Cuomo kills them).

What percentage of Americans do you think Trump influences to not wear a mask/deny the science? 20%? 40%? If it is over 50%, then he will surely win in November.

And last question - NY, NJ, CA - the top 3 states with deaths. All 3 are democratic strongholds. Did Trump influence the population of those states to disregard science? To not wear a mask?
also japan has tested ~1% of the population and refuses to list any death that isn't directly covid as such

so u kno

honesty behind dishonesty as opposed to dishonesty behond honesty

or some such
also japan has tested ~1% of the population and refuses to list any death that isn't directly covid as such

so u kno

honesty behind dishonesty as opposed to dishonesty behond honesty

or some such

I guess nobody can really be confident in the absolute honesty of any of the numbers, but all other things being equal, if you make the obvious comparison between the Japanese, who are known for their self- discipline and compliance (whether this be masks, lockdowns or anything else), and the Americans, who simply are not, then surely it's a bit of a stretch not to see the correlation between cause and effect?
i mean to be honest bud the japanese are really just a bunch of circle-jerkers who somehow think they're separate from the rest of humanity and thus superior

i mean in a country of 126m theyve tested 1.8m total

the US has tested more than double japans entire population but the US also lists every mosquito bite as covid for a shot at more federal funding whereas japan will absolutely refuse to list anything as covid unless it's been stamped 3 times and faxed to every relevant office (of which there are thousands) to be stamped again because they dont wanna lose the olympics

the US has been dishonest as fuck about the real number of cases but its a case of massive overreporting for $$$

japan has been dishonest as fuck about the real number of cases but its a case of massive underrepporting because of $$$
lets pull that thread for a minute. I agree that Trump's actions have an impact. He doesn't let the virus dictate how he lives his life, and that is how I am. But to your point, Trump doesn't wear a mask, and so people don't and they get it and pass it to the vulnerable, who die (or are in nursing homes where Cuomo kills them).

What percentage of Americans do you think Trump influences to not wear a mask/deny the science? 20%? 40%? If it is over 50%, then he will surely win in November.

And last question - NY, NJ, CA - the top 3 states with deaths. All 3 are democratic strongholds. Did Trump influence the population of those states to disregard science? To not wear a mask?

I honestly have no idea, but given the highly contagious nature of the virus I would imagine the percentage who choose not to wear a mask because Trump doesn't wear one, doesn't need to be massively high for the impact to be large and disproportionate, that's just how exponential number projections work.

And I would say differentiating between blue and red states is of limited value to the numbers when such a definition can mean just a 55/45 and a 45/55 demographic split.

So I guess my viewpoint is that his approach has a very significant impact, although of course I can't put a number on it.

To my knowledge the only other world leader who has taken a "LOL what virus" position is the guy in Brazil, and that's turning into a shitshow aswell. Of course there may be others i'm not aware of.

Note why context is important when it comes to presenting statistics.

Note how the first three charts show rising trends for tests, detection, hospitalizations... but the last one, deaths, is the opposite.

The media and the left harp all day on the first three and really want to over emphasize the upward trends in order to stoke the sense of alarm they want you to feel... because it makes the situation look like things are getting worse...

... but they rarely point out that the death rate is trending lower as time moves along... indicating the situation is improving as we learn to deal with the crisis, as we discover treatment and recovery protocols, as we ramp up PPE and Medicine production.

They also like to portray the numbers as if everywhere in America is experiencing the same conditions and the statistics represent an uniform distribution across the country and do not account for local outliers... like the mayor of New York telling people to carry on as normal and go see a movie during the early stages of the outbreak... then weeks later facing the reality that his city is now the epicenter of a major spike in infections and death, many times in magnitude greater than anywhere else US.

Coronavirus: De Blasio doesn't regret telling New Yorkers to visit bars

The media will shout "Look at the how bad the outbreak in America as a whole is!" instead of "Look at the outbreak in New York and California compare to the rest of America"

That's why the staunch Democrat governors of New York and California are quick to thank Trump for responding to their requests for aid, when they know ultimately it isn't Trump who is responsible for their states, it is them who manages the response to the crisis. They can't draw public scrutiny of their management of the crisis by blaming Trump for not responding, when it is clearly evident that he is helping to any and every one.

How do you argue that the situation is dire, not because of your leadership, but from lack of federal aid when there is a giant hospital ship from the US Navy clearly visible in the background and every day social media is plastered with pictures of trucks unloading ventilators to hospitals from the federal government.
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Note why context is important when it comes to presenting statistics.

Note how the first three charts show rising trends for tests, detection, hospitalizations... but the last one, deaths, is the opposite.

The media and the left harp all day on the first three and really want to over emphasize the upward trends in order to stoke the sense of alarm they want you to feel... because it makes the situation look like things are getting worse...

... but they rarely point out that the death rate is trending lower as time moves along... indicating the situation is improving as we learn to deal with the crisis, as we discover treatment and recovery protocols, as we ramp up PPE and Medicine production.

They also like to portray the numbers as if everywhere in America is experiencing the same conditions and the statistics represent an uniform distribution across the country and do not account for local outliers... like the mayor of New York telling people to carry on as normal and go see a movie during the early stages of the outbreak... then weeks later facing the reality that his city is now the epicenter of a major spike in infections and death, many times in magnitude greater than anywhere else US.

Coronavirus: De Blasio doesn't regret telling New Yorkers to visit bars

It stands to reason that the death rate will lag behind the other charts though. Got some current numbers beyond july?
It stands to reason that the death rate will lag behind the other charts though. Got some current numbers beyond july?

COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics

Hard count ends on 8/22 but the projection looks reasonable.


Curiously, CDC has revised their peak counts for April significantly from graphs they were publishing in prior months. Not sure where they suddenly found 10,000+ more Covid deaths, but there it is. It's hard to know which sources to trust and I'm pretty sure that's intentional.


(screen capture from July)

Also notice they stopped breaking it out by age group (all on the same graph). It was showing a little too clearly how insignificant this virus really is.
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i believe everyone has a right to their own personal covid 19 death numbers what number do u believe in
shit, that jump happened right about the time that everyone was mandated to wear a mask and everything was locked down. good thing those numbers are completely correct.
Yeah, like most of muricah listened to the mandate...Look at the Canadian curve. No politics in that one, just a bunch of folks that listened to professional advice and kept the death curve flat. Mericahans know better and politicize a fucking virus.
Yeah, like most of muricah listened to the mandate...Look at the Canadian curve. No politics in that one, just a bunch of folks that listened to professional advice and kept the death curve flat. Mericahans know better and politicize a fucking virus.

uh huh

ur right that canadians are good little followers, except for smiling canadian.

but i'm sure all of these stupid fucking riots we have had over the last 120 days aren't helping us either.