Have you ever been punched in the face?

U ever been socked in the kisser??

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yes i have, but i gave back two fold. :)

also, amapedo has never been punched in the face? he's like the one guy that really needs to be. well, mitch does too.
Ya at a Christmas party. This dude was on cocaine or something and the party was winding down and he was getting up in people's faces. People are getting aggravated and I was trying to get him to STFU and he turns and swings and I went lights out and hit the wall.

He went outside and was trying to open up all the cars on the street cause he didn't remember which one was his so he ended his night in the back seat of a cop car.

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Ya at a Christmas party. This dude was on cocaine or something and the party was winding down and he was getting up in people's faces. People are getting aggravated and I was trying to get him to STFU and he turns and swings and I went lights out and hit the wall.

He went outside and was trying to open up all the cars on the street cause he didn't remember which one was his so he ended his night in the back seat of a cop car.

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does a #life good
Mostly sparing with martial arts gloves, but yeah I've been punched several times in the face. Once in a fight I copped a snap kick to the chin that resulted in me flying through the air.. that was a good one.. he was good.
in a nakkikioski
by a "friend"
nose bleed ensued, didn't get food :/ was pissed (and pissed drunk)
yes i have, but i gave back two fold. :)

These days it's rare that anything posted on TW is noticed by me, but I have to admit that when the person posting as Havax starts typing about how tough he is, I get a semi.
Yes but I don't think it really counts. I was 6.

We had this feral kid at school named Ronny. He just clenched his teeth together and made whiny noises. We were waiting to go inside and I was minding my own business when I hear him screaming behind me. As soon as I turn around I see him charging at me and clocks me square in my eye. I drop to the ground and I am dumbfounded. I don't even recall crying, I think I was in shock. His handler with a bitch perm, grabs him away from me and never asked me if I was okay.

If I ever see that woman again I am going to spit in her face.
Been in a few fights at the pub, or after the pub was more usual

Got smacked right in the mouth by a sneaky asshole who I didn't even notice, put my canine tooth through my lip, still has a thick part there. I hit him back once or twice and then we just sort of wrestled and got broken up, no big deal really.

Outside a pub at a mates bucks night we all got in a big brawl with the local boys. As I was getting up from punching one I had pulled to the ground, some dude ran up and kicked me in the back of the head like he was going for a field goal, probably near killed me. I had raised boot prints still there a week later when I went for a hair cut.

I didn't fight much really, my friends were all big on it though, all mental. Every Thursday, Friday & Sat night we were in a fight with some poor bastards. Someone got thrown through the pub window every single week, and they kept replacing it. They used to call me the medic b/c I would just drag ppl out once they were down and try not to get too involved.

alcohol, young guys and Australian pubs - always a riot