[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I agree with that except the timeline for Somalia was started under George Bush sr. That I know since I was there for fucking 13 months.
TDS is so strong that every good thing must be countered with a bad thing.

Even if they are completely different topics.


All Trump does is lie.

What a sack of retarded shit he is.
fucking great convo

Joe about to get canceled:

I got about halfway though, agreeing with pretty much everything, until they got to the ideas of nominating mccraven and yang for the white house.

The lazy way to try and blame or fix things isn't going to be done at the white house, it's going to need to be done at the local level. Let's take chicago, for one extreme example. The systemic corruption that we see, from all the way down to alderman in their districts, up to the mayor, and everyone in between is the real issue. The president can't fix local communities and the corruption. That is all determined by the people within those communities.

They even discuss providing massive economic aid to those communities, which on the face of it, sounds like a great idea, except those same communities are so corrupt, it will end up enriching those who least need it, and very little actual aid will get where it needs to go. Look at the BLM movement. How much of that money actually goes towards addressing the issue? zero. It all flows into the DNC coffers. And as they point out, both sides of the political isle care little about the people, only the corporate groups they are beholden to.

All I have to point to is the "homeless" issue in seattle. in 2019 seattle spent about $200 million dollars, and all that happened is the problem got worse. $200 million (which is probably closer to 1 billion, but they hide a lot of the costs) that mostly fund social workers, cops, trash cleanup, free needles, and nothing to address the underlying problems. It's all reactive, not proactive.

Everyone recognizes the issues, but unless we address the problems at the grass roots, it will never get better. All of these major cities with police brutality problems are run by democrats, with democratic law enforcement leadership, democrat justice system, etc. They are not fixing things. Will the GOP, probably not as well. But you have to elect people pledging and following though with fixing the problems, not just a letter next to their name. Vote for the person, not the party, you dumb fucks.
I don't think there is a person around that thinks Trump should get a nobel. You are just trying to defend that shitbag owebama for getting one.
Obama was objectively the worst US president in the last 50 years, so if there was any derangement (there wasn't) it's wholly justified.
I got about halfway though, agreeing with pretty much everything, until they got to the ideas of nominating mccraven and yang for the white house.

The lazy way to try and blame or fix things isn't going to be done at the white house, it's going to need to be done at the local level. Let's take chicago, for one extreme example. The systemic corruption that we see, from all the way down to alderman in their districts, up to the mayor, and everyone in between is the real issue. The president can't fix local communities and the corruption. That is all determined by the people within those communities.

They even discuss providing massive economic aid to those communities, which on the face of it, sounds like a great idea, except those same communities are so corrupt, it will end up enriching those who least need it, and very little actual aid will get where it needs to go. Look at the BLM movement. How much of that money actually goes towards addressing the issue? zero. It all flows into the DNC coffers. And as they point out, both sides of the political isle care little about the people, only the corporate groups they are beholden to.

All I have to point to is the "homeless" issue in seattle. in 2019 seattle spent about $200 million dollars, and all that happened is the problem got worse. $200 million (which is probably closer to 1 billion, but they hide a lot of the costs) that mostly fund social workers, cops, trash cleanup, free needles, and nothing to address the underlying problems. It's all reactive, not proactive.

Everyone recognizes the issues, but unless we address the problems at the grass roots, it will never get better. All of these major cities with police brutality problems are run by democrats, with democratic law enforcement leadership, democrat justice system, etc. They are not fixing things. Will the GOP, probably not as well. But you have to elect people pledging and following though with fixing the problems, not just a letter next to their name. Vote for the person, not the party, you dumb fucks.

Well said.

I agree with you in regards to the big cities. When they said they wanted to spend hundreds of billions in these shithole cities to 'rebuild' them instead of reparations... it just wont work.

Think about it. Take a shithole block of Baltimore for example:

So the best ideas being thrown around (that i've heard) to stop systematic racism is to rebuild these type of communities as sort of an 'im sorry' for slave ownership.

But, as you said, it doesn't address the underlying issue. You can slap paint on a pile of shit, but it still came from a shithole. It would take a matter weeks before those rebuilt city blocks would be in the exact same condition they are in now. Why? Because those people occupying those area's are shithole people. They don't care enough to clean their own room, let alone keep an entire neighborhood clean and maintained.

The road to fixing these area's, in my opinion, is a long one. 50+ years. I've said it before... it starts with family.
1.) No kids outside of marriage.
2.) Graduate High School.
3.) Get and keep a job, regardless of industry.

These things will never happen because these communities continue to vote in the shitbirds that create shitholes (to your point). Who is going to vote for someone that is going to require you to take personal responsibility? These people depend on WIC to feed their babies... they aren't going to vote for that.

Maybe if they take those billions and put it into inter cities schools to focus only on accomplishing those 3 goals, they may start to turn a corner. Turn them into like boot camps that force character, self respect, and good morals into their life. Have drill sergeants run them and not be afraid to knock the shit out of a couple shitbirds to get them to step in line. If a kid skips school they are hunted down and forced to attend. Handcuff them to the desk if needed. If it's found that a kid has shitbird parents that are druggies/don't care/don't feed their kids, they are immediately set up with a state sponsored family/father to help raise them right. These people live in the community and would be paid extra to help accomplish the goal of building a strong community. Stripping the shitbird parent from state welfare while putting the young on state guidance with the idea of them growing up to follow the law and only have kids in wedlock while holding a job.

I realize that will never happen, but how do you fix the fatherless home situation? The root cause for why these young people are dropping out of school, banging anything that walks, never working, and smoking crack?

It can't be done.

The current strategy (defunding police) is the dumbest shit i've ever heard. "We will keep fathers at home by not jailing them for their crimes." lol

Only a shitbird could get behind that shithole logic.

You want these communities to thrive? Give them the personal responsibility toolkit to do so, and they will.