Mommy, Why does everybody have a...

actually it doesn't b/c ur not a free american citizen w/ all the constitutional rights and protections appertaining thereunto; ur just another subject of england's geriatric german tourist overlord
i been waiting so long for the boogaloo to start data hope ur ready my squad of 4th wave feminist antifa soy troopers are coming for ya
at this rate im afraid the boomers are all gonna die off before we can start the boogaloo what a shame
at this rate im afraid the boomers are all gonna die off before we can start the boogaloo what a shame

ya, i rly wanted 2 rack up a few boomber headshots in this upcoming racial holy civil war in the united confederate states of nazi red chinese america

v disappointing!

@ least there will still be the goddamed junkies out back 4 me to waste