[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Instead of auditing the FED we just got the FED and TREASURY merged into one government sponsored enterprise entity during this last Covid crisis, for pure bailout efficiency and market haste benefit.

In reality what has occurred is President Trump is now in charge of the FED and marks one step closer to in-acting the Gold Standard.
In reality what has occurred is President Trump is now in charge of the FED and marks one step closer to in-acting the Gold Standard.

what i find most amusing about this great comment is that you might be right

if the fed blows and monetizes the "everything bubble" too hard gold and metal and crypto might become the only currencies in this country that can retain value

i mean mugabe did the same thing in Zimbabwe........I'm just not sure he intended to and should be celebrated for it

same I will say about Trump

Anyways.......sorry for giving you so much shit. I just don't want people, including myself, to be perpetually let down again and again. To find out Santa I guess missed our house again this year.