How have you used the lockdown to change your personal habits?

Are you being healthier, less healthy or the same?

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Veteran XX
I've been significantly healthier since the lockdown started. Not drinking alcohol at all and eating almost vegetarian the whole time. I'm going to use this as a great mental/physical restart.

This can either be something where people use it as an excuse to fall apart or they use it as a way to address all those lifestyle issues they have wanted to but life has been too chaotic... Are you getting healthier or unhealthier?
I haven't drank in years. I work out 5x per week ans eat healthy.

Im getting a lot more done around the house though
More cooking and have found body weight workouts to hit a lot of areas I was missing in the gym.
Gotta build up those fat reserves so if there is a food shortage, you can last longer. I've stayed the same. Was going to start working out for the first time in ages but my terrorist 1 and 3 year olds made it not happen. We are trying to start a schedule for them and us, so hope to start with it Monday.
Retired, so my routines aren't changing much. They've shut down the beaches yesterday,,, I'll have to see if that includes running across the beach and into the water to surf when the waves come back in a couple days. I'll do more biking if I can't get into the water, (which would be the safest place to be.) I'm drinking hot water more throughout the day and more on top of supplements (zinc).
way less physical activity than normally
also stockpiled on food... which I've been eating very rapidly. Staying in and having lot's of beer around for example is a bad combination in my case.
I avoid certain minority groups to a higher degree than I once did since the China virus began.
I got out of the habit of cutting my own hair. I will probably keep doing it again after this. A high and tight is straightforward.
Careful Reggs - this is a ploy to get you to shag his cuckstress while he watches from a closet.
way less physical activity than normally
also stockpiled on food... which I've been eating very rapidly. Staying in and having lot's of beer around for example is a bad combination in my case.

Mexico letting its populous know it's serious; gotta keep those injuns under control.
!All Alcohol Sales Suspended Today!
The big Pacifico Beer plant is even closed; no more production.
Fortunately I'm clarovisent (that's spanglish)

and bought up my favorite Whiskey with a couple visits to the Walmart.

and about 6 more.

I'm good for a couple weeks; how long is this going to last.
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