Poll: Worst US president ever.

Who is the worst US President ever?

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not yet, but i'm getting rdy 2 go out and get some curbside pints then come back and palay the rockies home opener on palaystation b/c boombers might have stolen the real deal from me but i've been watching pbs the last few days so i have gained the power of ~imagination~ which will make the vidya real

ya i held my breath while i wrote that
lincoln is a safe bet

1.5 million americans slaughtered and almost losing an election where they only counted votes for lincoln
Clinton in a landslide was our worst president.
* He raided our social security funds to “balance” the budget.
* He gave North Korea nuclear technology and fuel.
* He moved authority for access to los Alamo’s from sec of state to sec of agriculture so his Chinese campaign donor could have access putting China way ahead on nukes.
* he forced banks to loan money to borrowers who were high risk to boost housing sales which led to housing crash years later.

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