[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Tribe That Drew Trumps Fire Over Casino Plan Loses Its Reservation Status | HuffPost

I'm calling him a racist. I was kicking him long before he was down.

"There's going to be a lot of embarrassment...a lot of red faces."

From the article:
Tribal members are believed to be descendants of the first Native Americans to encounter the Pilgrims nearly four centuries ago.

Didn't they try to genocide the Jamestown colony, which did not even build defenses around the colony, came in peace, and set the colony up on unoccupied land?

They wind up losing and given free land, no taxes, and more civil rights than non-natives. What would they have done to us if they won? Both our people were a conquering people, the only difference is we didn't genocide the losers. They certainly would have if they had won. It's time to stop complaining.
I'm going to guess that most people that live in red States are fine with how the government has responded, more or less. The problem areas tend to be blue states (shocker). And I'm not really referring to population density, but red voters tend to want the government approach hands off, where blue voters want the government to handle all their problems.

I more or less agree.

It's an enduring quality of the left to want everything from the government and never be satisfied. During Katrina they had long time to evacuate, free bus rides, and a stadium crawling with FEMA employees, still played the victim, raped tons of women and children in the stadium and started shooting at helicopters carrying life saving supplies intended for them.
White House Airlifts Medical Supplies From China in Coronavirus Fight

A plane from Shanghai arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York Sunday morning carrying an extraordinary load: 12 million gloves, 130,000 N95 masks, 1.7 million surgical masks, 50,000 gowns, 130,000 hand sanitizer units, and 36,000 thermometers.


Oh look!

VIDEO: Chinese Factory Worker Caught Contaminating Medical Masks Before Shipment Arrived to New York - The Red Elephants
I get what you're saying, but the problem IS density. Cities are proper fucked right now, imagine NYC with endless rows of 12 story apartment buildings, all those people opening their door to go to the elevator or staircase even to get basic supplies. All sharing that air.

Perhaps they are fucked. Not sure, since I don't live there. But the tree of responsibility lies first on the individual. Then the local government. Then state. Then federal. Decentralized command always works best.

If enough NYC citizens take it upon themselves to come up with their own solutions they will make it out the best they could in a horrible situation. If too many want the federal government to fix the problem, yes, they will be fucked. For many reasons. Do you really want someone a thousand miles away deciding how/where to disinfect hallways or guiding the local government on double checking containers because there were shipments of ventilators sitting in a warehouse (always happens)? You don't want someone in a different city fixing your local problems.

And yes they are local problems and I feel bad for the people there, but those are their problems.

I have my own problems, my town has it's own and my state has it's own. So far we are doing fine. We could use more cleaning supplies in our local stores, other than that we're good. I know some people that work in hospitals and they say they are practically empty.

Many towns might be finding out they elected local idiots. Perhaps based on pertinent info like what sex someone is, or the color of their skin.

Perhaps those same local politicians were encouraging people to not be racist and come out and celebrate the Chinese new year, Mardi gras, hug a Chinese. Or let's throw parties when they were warned. Hell, all of us knew and were having this discussion in January. Maybe this is a reckoning on stupid voter decisions.
Didn't they try to genocide the Jamestown colony

Thats a whitey lie, Indians couldn't have genocided that much euro trash without modern tools, and if they did there wouldn't be any southerners left. Maybe it would've been a better place after all?
31 days to go until the next deadline is extended. Let's count it down. It's kinda like when your flight is delayed. It's always a little bit longer. 30 minutes, then another 30 minutes, then another 30 minutes. In this case we're talking a month at a time.

There's tons of PPE going to NYC and it's all disappearing. People are stealing and selling it on the black market.

As Trump was saying, the NYC doctors have gone from using 20k masks to 300K. Where are the masks? That's what Trump asked in his press conference.
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Perhaps they are fucked. Not sure, since I don't live there. But the tree of responsibility lies first on the individual. Then the local government. Then state. Then federal. Decentralized command always works best.

If enough NYC citizens take it upon themselves to come up with their own solutions they will make it out the best they could in a horrible situation. If too many want the federal government to fix the problem, yes, they will be fucked. For many reasons. Do you really want someone a thousand miles away deciding how/where to disinfect hallways or guiding the local government on double checking containers because there were shipments of ventilators sitting in a warehouse (always happens)? You don't want someone in a different city fixing your local problems.

And yes they are local problems and I feel bad for the people there, but those are their problems.

I have my own problems, my town has it's own and my state has it's own. So far we are doing fine. We could use more cleaning supplies in our local stores, other than that we're good. I know some people that work in hospitals and they say they are practically empty.

Many towns might be finding out they elected local idiots. Perhaps based on pertinent info like what sex someone is, or the color of their skin.

Perhaps those same local politicians were encouraging people to not be racist and come out and celebrate the Chinese new year, Mardi gras, hug a Chinese. Or let's throw parties when they were warned. Hell, all of us knew and were having this discussion in January. Maybe this is a reckoning on stupid voter decisions.
it's criminal how retarded most of this is
Do you remember how high Bush W's approval ratings were immediately following 9/11? They peaked at 92% Stayed between 80%-90% for about 4 months after 9/11.

Looking back on things now how many of you approve of the job Bush did?
Listening to the briefing yesterday, I was surprised that you can clean/sanitize masks to reuse them. One company was limited to 10k masks at a time by some agency, and they could do 100k - Trump stopped him and told someone else who could fix it to "get it done now". Apparently in the past it was cheaper to toss them because there were always more. Now we might see better reuse.

I am optimistic that some significant changes on how we purchase and maintain stuff will come after this pandemic ends.
Perhaps they are fucked. Not sure, since I don't live there. But the tree of responsibility lies first on the individual. Then the local government. Then state. Then federal. Decentralized command always works best.

If enough NYC citizens take it upon themselves to come up with their own solutions they will make it out the best they could in a horrible situation. If too many want the federal government to fix the problem, yes, they will be fucked. For many reasons. Do you really want someone a thousand miles away deciding how/where to disinfect hallways or guiding the local government on double checking containers because there were shipments of ventilators sitting in a warehouse (always happens)? You don't want someone in a different city fixing your local problems.

And yes they are local problems and I feel bad for the people there, but those are their problems.

I have my own problems, my town has it's own and my state has it's own. So far we are doing fine. We could use more cleaning supplies in our local stores, other than that we're good. I know some people that work in hospitals and they say they are practically empty.

Many towns might be finding out they elected local idiots. Perhaps based on pertinent info like what sex someone is, or the color of their skin.

Perhaps those same local politicians were encouraging people to not be racist and come out and celebrate the Chinese new year, Mardi gras, hug a Chinese. Or let's throw parties when they were warned. Hell, all of us knew and were having this discussion in January. Maybe this is a reckoning on stupid voter decisions.

Excellent post (ignore retarded blackpeople). Dead on. NYC people saying GO OUTSIDE and DON"T BE RACIST is what caused the increase in NYC deaths. Mardi Gras? The mayor blames Trump. Sure...and if he made a suggestion she didn't like any other time she would ignore him anyway. Easy to blame him. It was HER RESPONSIBILITY!!! She killed people by her decision.