
Surprised they are blocking roofers. Figured you all could still work since leaks are a pretty big deal.
We can and are. Thankfully, it has kind of been raining the past few weeks so i am able to send a guy out on those. it begins to get confusing with the county continually saying, (paraphrasing) "... for the safety, sanitation, and basic operation of the residency". Can we do a reroof even though it is not leaking?

Roof leaks definitely fall under this as essential but where i am getting confused is for work like removing and replacing dry rot on the subroof or siding and trim? I can see dry rot on balconies falling under as essential (safety) but if it is just siding and trim on the side of a house?

But my county is getting more cases so come Monday they might issue more strict rules.
I have nothing to back this up other than skepticism in 'news'

Africa has been spared so far from coronavirus. Why? | Africa | DW | 14.02.2020

I don't think this article rings true other than to 'explain away'
Maybe we should have held onto some of that Malaria drug we give and pay for ever year to Africa.
I thought Mexico would have had the Malaria drug; but I don't think so. Go USA on the production....
That is dated Feb 14th. Africa does have cases now and I can only imagine how bad it will get there due to all the Chinese going back since the lunar holiday.
This is for the county i live in, Contra Costa County.

What is the impact on construction projects in Contra Costa County?

“So long as social distancing practices are used during construction, certain projects are allowed. All residential construction projects that are partly completed can continue to completion in order to ensure health and safety. The order prohibits new construction projects unless they are adding to the supply of our county’s housing stock (I.e. building a second unit, building a new home, etc.) or maintaining the habitability of homes in order to avoid displacement of residents. Business construction projects related to maintaining or ugrading essential business, government or healthcare infrastructure are also allowed to go forward.

While the County Health officer issued the order, local building officials in towns, cities and the county will be handling day-to-day implementation. The county will continue to update these frequently asked questions from cities, businesses and individuals as they arise.”

I am midway through a remodel. Can my construction project continue?

“Yes. Residential renovation projects of any kind that are currently underway may continue if necessary to a safe, sanitary and functional home. Likewise, residential remodeling projects that are partly completed may continue if delaying completion would pose a safety, security or sanitation risk to residents or impact the habitability of the residence."

I have a contractor scheduled to begin a remodel next week. Can I go ahead with this project?

“You must defer your remodel or renovation project unless it is necessary to restore your home to a safe, sanitary and habitable space."
The underlined portion makes me think that i need to follow the guidelines for individual cities. I have not yet bothered to read local rules but that might be the case.

This is some of the wording used in all the counties health codes for covid I have read:
Plumbers, electricians, exterminators, and other service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences, Essential Activities, and Essential Businesses
Even though they didn't name roofing or general construction, as long as the work we are doing falls under the above guidelines i believe we'll be okay.

The other more interesting thing about this is that i cannot force any of the employees back to work if they do not want to come back during this 'stay at home'. i also cannot discipline them for wanting to stay home. Not like i would anyways but they are all now in a position of either having a massive reduction in their normal pay (unemployment) or they go out in the world and try to make a living with this virus out there.

because my company is considered a small business, and we have less that 500 employees, we might have to offer each employee 80 hours of covid related paid time off. But because we have under 50 employees, the DOL hasn't made a decision on this so I have to wait until next week.

crazy times we are in, that's for sure.
i'll take that bet, i'd suggest using the 18-19 us flu season since we have numbers for that but we could use 19-20 as the numbers are finalized in the next few months
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You seem pretty excited about being able to make fun of people online later. What if more people die of covid-19 than the flu?

If its even close to the flu I'll be right. If its considerably more, I'll be wrong. Considering its a novel virus and the amount of hype going on around it, it should be considerably more, I just doubt that it will be. Hope I'm right.
Whats your number? Why are you so afraid to quantify your panic? Even absent gave a number, 100k in a month :lol:
i just told u more than 50k !

there were only 34k deaths with the 18-19 flu season in the usa so i feel like im being extraordinarily generous here !
No, thats outbidding my number. What is the number of deaths in the US that you predict one year from March 1st.

Going to dodge again?
u said less than the flu and now you're complaining that i gave u the flu + 15000 people and i have no balls
My request was extremely simple and had nothing to do with the flu. We both know why you won't comply with it.

If your request is a bet, I'm happy to comply. I'll bet that 50,000 or less die within one year.

Now will you comply with my request, what is your estimate of the number of deaths? Why are you so afraid to quantify the mass hysteria you keep spreading?
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