[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

jfc these people have lost the plot.


Mr. Bloomberg would love to come visit this forum full of hard working, honest Americans but is busy campaigning in Nevada in order to set himself up for the convention that is just a short half year away. Make sure to check party registration laws to see if YOU can still support the only honest candidate out there, Mike Bloomberg.
Mr. Bloomberg says NO to the party of bigotry. While there are a lot of good men and women who are Republicans, there are too many negative influences for Mayor Bloomberg to want to associate his impeccable name with. Mr. Bloomberg is also the bridge america needs between the moderates of both parties because together, anything is possible.

As always let me know if YOU will take the pledge to be a Bloomberg Supporter. I challenge you to go out to 3 of your friends and ask them what they know about him. I have a handy 1 page fact sheet I can send anyone if interested.

if I take this fact sheet that you give me, and I give it to somebody else, can I get paid too.
if I take this fact sheet that you give me, and I give it to somebody else, can I get paid too.

Mr. Bloomberg, or Mike as we like to call him; is very generous and believes in giving good paying jobs to those that show the grit and determination to 'fight for mike!' as we shout to each other 8pm after a 14hr day over a cold box of dominos pizza. If you have what it takes to follow Mike, contact your local field rep. Thank you and have 'Fightin Mike!' Day
#Triggered :lol:

What election? This is a civil war to stop Trump

Trump is letting us know that he and his base don’t think of this as an election. It’s a civil war. They want to turn the clock back to the time that Negroes knew their place and women were happy making biscuits in the kitchen and employers could pay their workers anything they wanted and the question of who got to vote was decided by a few white men in a smoke-filled room.
And then Trump’s hand-picked shithammer, William Barr, dug a hole right under his office window in Washington and threw Mueller’s 400 pages in, shoveled in some dirt, and it was like the whole thing had never happened.

The stunning thing is, Trump keeps getting caught and nothing happens. His entire administration leaks like a collapsed dam. Every time he does something cruel or stupid or even illegal, somebody calls a reporter or blows a whistle. Look at the Ukraine scandal. Everything from Trump’s phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Rudy Giuliani’s latest bowel movement was exposed, and yet the effort to impeach him was doomed from the start.

Trump also learned from Roy Cohn that you can steal stuff in plain sight and get away with it if you just say “Fuck you” loudly and often enough. I think that’s what Trump is doing to the whole country. He’s saying, “Fuck you. I never believed in your democracy, I never believed in your capitalism, I never believed in your establishment, and look what I did! I got elected president! Fuck you! I’m going to take everything I want! I’m going to fly Air Force One anywhere I want, and I’m going to play golf more often than Arnie Palmer, and I’m going to bellow racism and lies at my rallies, and I’m going to jack up the Secret Service for rooms at my resorts, and I’m not going to pay a fucking cent and what are you going to do about it? I’m going to call Vladimir Putin on the phone and I’m going to get him to help me steal another election, and fuck you.”
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was at the grocery store earlier and saw some white guy wearing a MAGA hat. i saw the hat as he approached up the aisle and just when he passed me, i coughed right on him. what a faggot i bet i got him good

The winner of Iran’s latest election: Donald J. Trump

Citizen journalists tweeted pictures and videos of empty polling booths Friday; London-based news site Middle East Eye reported that government data showed only “a fifth of registered voters” showing up to cast their ballots.

Of course, no election can change the Islamic dictatorship’s power structure — Khamenei, the unelected religious leader, ultimately pulls the strings no matter what. But this public show of no confidence may bring Iran closer to the day when the regime finally falls.
was at the grocery store earlier and saw some white guy wearing a MAGA hat. i saw the hat as he approached up the aisle and just when he passed me, i coughed right on him. what a faggot i bet i got him good

What a fucking faggot post. I bet you are just faggot enough to do something like that. Grats. #Trump2020
speaking of that, are most of you aware of where your coughing when in public? when i sneeze and there aren't many people around, i'll make a production of looking at the floor from around waist level. i won't sneeze into my shoulder unless i have to.

so what do y'all do for coughs? i'm generally pretty aware of who's around me but i'm pretty autistic like that, unlike some Exxx MBTI types who might legitimately be in their own world socially. i walked past this middle aged dude earlier (maybe early 50s - a little older than me) and he coughed literally right as i walked by him, without covering his mouth. i'm convinced people do that shit on purpose i mean really. i have a pretty low standard for behavior i expect from the public so at first i just walked past him but turned to look at him for some time after i passed. i had to wait for a couple to move from the area i wanted in the aisle. i was really tempted to say something and probably will the next time that happens. he didn't look at me, and after i finished on that aisle i saw him near the produce and was really fucking tempted to walk past him and pretend to cough on him, but he skidaddled. what a fucking honky negro
Havax is a traitor even after trump went full miga he wont backpedal like everyone else dude is full on board the miga train

Traitor to the country as far as im concerned

Jareds cuck buddy :flag: