You can dance if you want to

You goddam legend, I love that song

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Nmag again.

I have a weird feeling of Deja Vu, we have posted these exact same things before haven't we
Both songs instantly cause toe tapping and they both *prove modern music sucks ass.

*(Not perspective of music snob.. in fact quite the opposite. As a life long musician, I love music.. all kinds. I just don't like shit music)
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Once this shit starts it can't stop

One for Red...

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You might remember a house track from back then. It was called 'Go Ahead' I think or that was a main lyric. May have been called 'Your Hair' as that was what everyone thought it said. It just sort of repeated go ahead, go ahead (your hair, your hair) over and over. I recall the clip may have had construction worker in an orange hard hat saying it into his walkie talkie.

Driving me mad for years now but I just can't find it

Goddam I just found it after about 10 years of on and off searching :sunny:
(thx to a 4 yr old Whirlpool post, cannot believe it)

Hi, I'm trying to find the title and artist of a dance music song I heard in July-September 1989 on some community radio stations here in Melbourne and it may have been on the Triple M top 8 or at 8. The main part of the verses featured some women shouting "Go ahead..... go ahead..... go ahead...", in rising tones which would be repeated several times, followed by a chorus featuring various samples. I've looked everywhere for such a song but couldn't find it anywhere.
It may have been "Go head" or "Go 'head" instead of "Go ahead"..

Internet is amazeballs

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