[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


Dude, Gary Varvel has been on fire with his political cartoons ever since IndyStar let him go late last year.

If you’re able to follow him on Facebook, he is trying to grow a base of followers and start his own thing.
To unlock the youth vote in 2020, Democrats wage legal fights against GOP-backed voting restrictions - The Washington Post

21 to buy cigarettes, alcohol, weed, guns.. because yutes are ill informed and suck at making long term wise decisions..

Except for voting

Would making Election Day a holiday increase voter turnout? Some city councilors think so - The Boston Globe

Yeah.. these are some stupid fucking people alright. You make a holiday and those jerkasses will never vote

i think making election day would work.. but not the way the dems think it will.
Ive been trying out several different browsers, all in an attempt to protect myself from the thought police now known as big-tech.

I have been using FF for about 2 years now and using duckduckgo for about 3. I bought Nord VPN, installed it on my desktop but when I activate it, it will not allow me to connect to OneDrive business where I keep all my work files. This is a major problem for me but thankfully, Nord VPN has a browser extension that I installed on FF and always have it active.

However, FF is a totalitarian SJW nightmare company and I really don't want to use any product that has been taken over by them so, I have been trying out all the various different browsers. Unfortunately, most of the other browsers are all based on Chrome or FF and I don't trust either of those companies at all but, that is what is available.

The Gab.ai browser Dissenter has been working really well for me (as I type this on my FF browser) but it is also a Chromium browser. I cant seem to install the Nord VPN extension on it but I think that is because I haven't installed any Chrome-based extension. The Brave browser is also really good but I haven't used it enough to get a 'feel' for it. I think I can install the Nord extension on it but I am afraid if I start installing extensions, it will call back to Goolag and give them everything I am doing or typing which will eventually be used against me should the government and the left combine with big-tech.

I have also used the Epic browser and it too is decent. Again though, I haven't used it enough to get a feel for it and make a permanent transfer.

I tried the TOR browser but it feels like I am on dialup. Besides, Nord did some tests Tor vs. VPN that I found helpful.

Dissenter | The Comment Section of the Internet
washington compost is evil propaganda machine of lies

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if you're actually worried about the thought police, a VPN does very little to protect you. it obscures what you're doing to your isp, but not to anyone with subpoena power. tor obscures what you're doing to your isp and people with subpoena power but not nsa power ;)

VPNs are safe from subpoena depending on where they are HQed and where the servers are. The more pricey VPNs are in the Bahamas ect...
perhaps the holiday isn't for those jerkasses. the holiday would benefit people who would like to vote, but due to work commitments and scheduling might not have as easy a time making it to the polls as someone who is retired.

voting should be accessible, right? of course the people juggling shitty job schedules etc. are usually the poorest and lowest valued in society so no need for a holiday because I can make it to the polls just fine thank you.

All voters should be required to show Real ID and validate their vote with a finger print scan. No more ballot harvesting or mail in absentee. Equip each Embassy and the military to take remote votes according to these standards. Early voting is fine but you still need to have your papers in order and show up at the county office. Low effort voters that are too lazy to do the minimum don't need or get to have a say. We've dropped the bar way too low. Participation 100% is not a good metric to shoot for.

Property owning citizens was a much better method of voter registration to ensure a vested interest in the country. Could add civil and military service as a way to earn the ability to vote as well.

Would you like to know more?
You guys vote on Tuesday? WTF?

No wonder u have such a low turnout

civilised countries vote on Sat and have ample opportunity for absentee vote by mail or even to vote up to two weeks beforehand if u ask nicely
its harder for me to get ahold of a bank employee that will even look up my account info than it is to vote. the fate of the country is run by volunteer old people who either dont give a fuck or power trip on the wrong ppl lol.
its harder for me to get ahold of a bank employee that will even look up my account info than it is to vote. the fate of the country is run by volunteer old people who either dont give a fuck or power trip on the wrong ppl lol.

They ask for ID in Nevada..they may be old but they are on it.
yeh but the amount of actual checking the id is fucking lame. i could prolly pass something like a club badge and get through.

It depends on the old person volunteer checking the ID at the voter booth. If it was me and you tried that shit, I'll have you down on the ground cuffed and calling ice.