Game of Thrones Season 8

thought the finale was acceptable (much better than the previous episode). i don't really have a problem with the events that took place this season - they really just needed another season to set up the proper relationships and backstory. the way they filmed it, everything just seemed way too random
Here I wrote a better and more fitting ending to the story in 5 minutes:

Present story arc ends on episode 5 with Dany on the throne. Dany see the threat Jon poses but can't bring herself to kill him, so she banishes him to the Night's Watch, where he ends up leaving with Tormund for beyond the wall. Episode 6 takes place some years after episode 5. Dany has since taken a Dornish husband and is engaged in a bloody civil war with the Starks, Tully's, etc. The remaining children of the forest, seeing humanity still can't get it's shit together, turn Jon into the new Night King. Episode fades to black. This seems more in line with story and definitely fits better with the overall tone.

But no, we got a happily ever after ending with a bunch of random tie ups. Arya sailing off into the sunset? Where the fuck did that come from? Complete crap.
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everyone watched the last episode and came to the conclusion most people came up with seasons ago. better later than never i guess.
whyte trash cucksh0 ended yestrday n only da biggest whyte trash pussyass fukn disgr8c 2 dey own races even watchd it smdh lol :jester:
thought the finale was acceptable (much better than the previous episode). i don't really have a problem with the events that took place this season - they really just needed another season to set up the proper relationships and backstory. the way they filmed it, everything just seemed way too random
is there anything npc haggis says that isn’t complete faggotry
I'm still just flabbergasted. Absolutely nothing makes sense. Jon is forced to reform the Nights Watch, which is entirely unnecessary now, to avoid war with the Unsullied, who've been mostly wiped out and leave anyway, because the wars must end for some particular reason, even though he can be absolved of his crimes by one of two monarchs, both of whom are his siblings. How does this never come up during the writing process or the table reads? This is beyond stupid.

Ok we get it, you don't really want Jon to be king because it's what everyone expects. Fine. After killing Dany just have him abdicate the throne. He's had enough of war, enough of fighting. His watch has ended. He goes north to join Tormund in retirement. Sansa gets named Queen, with Brienne as her Queensguard commander, and decides that with no more Iron Throne that Winterfell is the new capital of the seven kingdoms, thus fulfilling the Cersei prophecy in an unexpected manner.
Jon CHOOSING to go north makes approx. 420x more sense than Jon being SENTENCED to go.

Also I got the impression jon sorta said fuck the nights watch and decided to live with the free folk.

If they knew all along bran was going to be king...why did they make him an uninteresting zombie faggot for years?
How about Sansa being sad that Jon is leaving again? Bitch you a queen and he lives next door. You can see him every Tuesday if you feel like it. It's not like Winterfell and the north won't have complete control over rebuilding Castle Black since they have a vested interest in controlling armed forces living in their territory.
They really seemed to favor characters who can't fight. Both rulers never lifted a sword in battle.