Skinwalker Ranch.


Veteran XX
Does anyone know anything about it? If so what? Would it make for a good TV series? Is it real or just bs?
Nah, the tail is gone, long live the tail!
Any kind of TV series. I'm a TV producer and I'm always looking for interesting people, careers, places, whatever.
Does anyone know anything about it? If so what? Would it make for a good TV series? Is it real or just bs?

George Knapp is probably the leading expert on the Ranch having been one of the few people in the media actually spending time there.

The Ranch is owned by Robert Bigelow now, the National Institute for Discovery Science was the front runner doing all the research there but that ended in 2004.
Thanks for posting that, unfortunately none of that is true anymore, just wondering if people have any new, interesting info.
hes probably terrified his new (((masters))) would find this place and blacklist the fuck out of him
Some of the technology being used there I am familiar with, and some of the effects of it can be explained, but of course it's a couple hundred years away, or it is being repressed.

Those weird people walking around that are seen as ghostly, flashing fields is a release of light associated with a time travel technology. There is another way to do it that eliminates those effects, but the tech. is moving slow, or they just don't care.
I could probably work up some discussions of how the technology and effects work, so that the people in the series could use them, and have it be interesting and understandable. It would be kind of like X-files, and most of the gizmos would parallel the actual technology used.

I don't know if you are going for a drama series, or some kind of mystery show discussing what goes on there. You could have great navigators and gray men going around in pipe armor and fighting with each other.

Yeah, I have a lot of stuff on my plate. I'm not sure what you mean by this.
u should do a show about midlife crisis incels

u can make it a comedy or drama or documentary or mockumentary or w/e, there's tons of flexibility

i would put my vast gbp and tendie savings behind u as long as u don't let normies get involved w/ the project
u could do a show called "riding roller coasters with robert" and have ngfm ride roller coasters w/ well known hollywood liberals and he can lay some ~truth~ upon them while they roller coast together