[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

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Sargon defended his dumbass statements after Charlottesville, and defended him after his meeting with Putin (which was my last straw of giving a shit about Trump).

You mean when Trump said that not all of the people at the rally were white nationalists? How fucking dare he!

What a gullible partisan useful idiot you are.
It's good that the US is immune to civil unrest, you guys really dodged a bullet there. Things are looking up. The nation is totally coming together.
always fuk wit liberal fukkn pussyass fukkn l0s3rz evry fukkn day irl yus lykka da intanetz n compyoota if u not doin it den u a wyte trash fukkn l0s3r yus lykkem :king:
noted. only prob is ive known multi peep irl that were not only jewish, but did seem to b a part of the gang, and benefit from. only prob is they r also the nicest. goodest. most non phoney (xcept from my urban gangster buds), smartest, most family loving, best humans ive met. so sory, cant jump on the aanti jewish bandwagon.

True true
One of my best friends grew up with me through my twenties building computers and playing Duke Nukem cooperatively is Jewish. Really enjoy being with him and around him. Why I hope in the end that we can be good allies with Israel.

But their control in the media and in politics and the whining...
I believe these are criticisms about the state of Israel and its control of the US that need to be talked about.
while cumdumplings supports antifa *masturbating sound*


HURRRDURRRPINs self identifies not just as antifa reject (true patriot to no country, borders or walls)

but as a 6' 6" black man instead of a mercury tainted bottle of poverty mayonnaise from VT/CT who has never actually seen a black person irl

and since it was asked for here it is.....I mean you can call me crazy (coombz and Ixi)

but even this liberal sees the writing on the walls (seriously, this guy is beyond reasonable)

patriot talk as CUMDUMPLIN's calls it around his mouth foaming crusties


Propaganda works a little too well I am afraid to say

and there is very little turning this sad clown world ride around at some point

I really hope all the major agitators overdose on free obamacares opioids before this ever happens though
and it isn't just here.......

Week 17 of yellow jackets (most of you have never heard of because you are laughing at RT and the only other media channels talking about it).......it is just a hundred thousand angry people getting water cannons and tear gas tossed at them every weekend all winter.

Political arrests are now in fashion (Lock her up, Lock him up)....Mueller report now isn't good enough and Adam Schifties have to start a new witch trial before last one even ended (that took two years, and based off two more years of provably false info)

French Inquiry Drops Le Pen Summons After Paper Reveals List of Names

Political beatings and killings on the rise in Germany


Conspiracy Within The German Military Uncovered: Armed Groups Pose Threat To Europe | Zero Hedge

According to the British Sun, Germany’s Focus magazine has reported that some 200 far-right special operations forces (KSK) soldiers and vets had conspired to kill Green Party leader Claudia Roth, Germany's Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, and former President Joachim Gauck, as well as the leaders of asylum groups.

According to the Straits Times, “The emergence of the neo-Nazi group National Action in 2014, and similar fringe outfits like Generation Identity, has helped forge a new, younger pool of extremists, according to the ‘2018 State of Hate’ report by the anti-racism organization Hope Not Hate.”

The Intercept warns that “British Nazis are on the rise — and they’re becoming more organized and violent.”

And it isn't limited to just these few countries but the entire Western World .....

I mean US Coast Guard LT Hasson was recently arrested for terrorism charges for googling some Congress Critters homes and even search engine looking for "NEXT CIVIL WAR" video like I posted above.......we have reached this level of hysteria even in the :flag:. We are apparently that close to another Ft Sumter moment even our own politicians are telling us about it openly like Jim Jordan did a few weeks ago.

We have political strategists from previous Presidents, as video above points out, watch it faggots, that shows our people moving to NZ of all places to escape what they are certain is headed our way unless something changes.

I honestly hope another civil war never happens. Nobody gets hurt or killed over any of this dumb shit. That the idiot radicals on both sides can be calmed down using saner safer tactics and even regional based sanctuary compromises if need be.

But both sides look beyond hell bent to make the other do their political bidding for them.

They wake up and go to sleep wanting to torment and trigger the other side.

Chase them around their country to perpetually make their lives harder to live each and every single day.

Going to be one ugly ride.......and Europe is leading the charge.
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