[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Hahahahaha If you want to be objective, meat is meat. We all draw lines almost arbitrarily.

Pigs are smarter than dogs
Whaling is evil, fishing is cool
Can’t eat a dog, cat or monkey, cows are holy.
If you’re xtian then you can eat shrimp

Every single time...


not a week goes past, since Jussie fabrication, someone doesn't get attacked over their MAGA hats now.

I can think of 3 in past week or so

news never touches it though


we better start wearing this for it to get noticed, or become a crime.......for us to have any semblance of rights or even representation inside our nation again
pedophilia wasn't slippery slope enough for Amadeus types

they always need and necessitate to take it to that next level of degeneracy

it is not just a brony lifestyle but their only goal at this point
wow that was a fast reply

y u lie little soy man y

p.s. I know the full blown autism u suffer from allows u to be less than self aware but damn lmfao
the war on drugs is fuking retarded - much easier to regulate and educate and have community support workers for addiction everywhere - and creates way more jobs

shit like internet harassment or phone harassment shouldn't exist because comprehensive filtering is easy

he said she said cases should never make it to court

all domestic abuse should be treated without criminal records

criminal records should be deleted once you're out of prison/jail/probation

sentencing for crimes shouldn't ever go longer than like 10 years

if you commit murder or grievous injury you should be put into exile in a penal colony or rehabilitative community

medicating without consent is disgusting

court records should be public record

end scopolamine dosing people in the system or deleting their court records/journals/etc

some ppl end up in prison for self-defense murder and that should never happen
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Jared says wait we got LOTS OF DEALS

Just not the deal you voted for...

We got the deal of the century :boogie:

No art of the deal needed just big soros swamp and zionist friends

Some "bomb shit ask questions later" plans too
Jared says wait we got LOTS OF DEALS

Just not the deal you voted for...

We got the deal of the century :boogie:

No art of the deal needed just big soros swamp and zionist friends

Some "bomb shit ask questions later" plans too

he so open borders he is even open borders for israel

good thing they didn't give him a clearance to ruin that country

just ours


We got plans coming boys lots of deals of the century

Then we are going to pull a john "bombs away" bolton plans too
Jared got all dem deals :hungry: