Meet the WHITE SUPREMACISTS who attacked Jussie Smollett

former actor and legend JAMES WOODs is calling Jussie a crafty little beaver on twitter

pretty much the funniest thing I have seen all week.


still more likely to be real than this case
he is still gay, black and jewish

nobody can take that away from him

and if one of those group identities and protected classes doesn't make him the victim here

despite whatever illegal actions he fabricated or hoaxed for publicity

then his entire life and everything we have ever taught him has been a waste up to now

so i can understand his real "struggle" with coming clean and or admitting fault

If Smollett’s story is found to be untrue, it will cause irreparable damage to the communities most affected. Smollett would be the first example skeptics cite when they say we should be dubious of victims who step forward to share their experiences of racist hate crimes or sexual violence. The incident would be touted as proof that there is a leftist conspiracy to cast Trump supporters as violent, murderous racists. It would be the very embodiment of “fake news.”

And that reason, more than any other, is why I need this story to be true, despite its ugliness and despite what it would say about the danger of the world I live in. The damage done would be too deep and long-lasting. This could be one tragedy that the Lyon family — and more importantly, the ordinary people who loved the show and invested in Smollett and his character — could never overcome.

Edit: she is a fucking moron.."First example"??
Look at what modern day democrats have become.... a party that has parsed people by any and every way they can and told each and every one of them that they're oppressed or victims and it's the other party who is your enemy and to blame.

It's deceitful and manipulative. Over the course of time, you arrive at this "intersectionality" where they all compete for victim points and a higher victimhood status. Call it a "Victim totem pole" with everyone trying to win the spot on the top as the Ultimate Victim because of those Evil White People.

So you have this gay black guy who apparently thinks he was going to be written off of his show. It's not hard to imagine how someone who drinks the Victimhood Koolaide would think it's an easy solution to make himself more appealing on the show would be to somehow be even more of a victim than he's seen as already. How do you do that? You make yourself the victim of a hate crime and blame 63 million nameless, faceless people you've never met, but who happen to be hated by everyone you work with in the media / entertainment industry.

Look at the reactions. Exactly as intended. "Poor Jussie". "Those racist Trump supporters!" "MAGA = Racism". "MAGA hats are the new KKK hoods". His status rose with each gullible moron who bought into his lies, and attacked innocent Trump supporters with vile, hate-filled crap all over the media and internet as usual. Rack up those victimhood points, go for broke.

SJWs / democrats have created this derangement in people today. I don't see anyone on the left / democrat side even noticing it, let alone thinking about trying to fix it. They're too busy trying to get their own points from virtue signaling their support. That's why I think he did it: to be a bigger "victim" in the left's insane race to get to the top of that victim totem pole and all the virtue signaling to help get him and others there.

All this stunt did was make the polarization in our country alot worse. Good job.
can we lynch this little faggot now?


I mean nobody wanted to do it before now

but now we have what I feel like is a legal authority

despite Kamala and BOOOOOOOOKERS best efforts
This just keeps getting more and more interesting. Possible terrorism-related charges.

Smollett threat letter called "enormous mistake"; Purported attack location identified; Federal charges "certain"
On Friday, Jan. 18th, a letter was dropped into a mailbox in Chicago’s southwest suburbs.

The envelope was addressed in childlike scrawl to Empire TV star Jussie Smollett at Cinespace Studios, a West Side production facility that the Fox program calls home. “MAGA”—the acronym for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign slogan “Make America Great Again”—was sloppily written in the return address space.

Four days later and about eleven miles away, the letter found its way to Smollett.

Something about the envelope must have raised concerns. Smollett would later tell police that he and Empire’s executive producer donned gloves before they opened it and exposed themselves to a threat letter covered in white powder. Police logged the time as 2:30 p.m.

The powder was later determined to be crushed Tylenol, according to reports. But the letter addressed to Smollett depicted a curly-haired stick figure being hanged by another stick figure with a noose.

Using individual letters and words that appear to be clipped from magazines, the sender threatened Smollett with an anti-black and anti-gay message:

“You will die black fag.”

As Smollett reported the attack to police, a multi-agency federal investigation into the source of the threat letter was entering its seventh day.

Headed by the FBI’s Chicago Field Office, the terroristic threat investigation is being assisted by one of America’s oldest and most underestimated law enforcement agencies: The United States Postal Inspection Service.

Whoever sent the letter to Smollett may have considered the mail to be an untraceable way to deliver a message. They’d be mistaken.

“Those postal guys are the real deal,” said a North Side cop who worked with inspectors on a serial package theft case in Lincoln Park last November. “They can do amazing things and aren’t afraid of the work.”

Two Lakeview brothers who were previously considered “persons of interest” in Smollett’s purported attack told police during interrogations last week that Smollett staged the hate crime because he was upset that the threat letter did not get enough attention, ABC7 Chicago reported Monday afternoon. Detectives are investigating their claim.

Meanwhile, the FBI and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service has been quietly working on the origins of Smollett’s letter for nearly a month. Giving it far more “attention” than he knew.

Late Monday, CWBChicago received confirmation that the letter case has been before a federal grand jury and multiple subpoenas have been generated over the course of the investigation.

In a conversation on Feb. 8th, before police met with brothers Ola and Abel Osundairo, a leading source within the Smollett attack investigation called the hate crime a "false flag" and said “There is a direct line between (the letter) and (the purported attack)." In the same conversation, the source hinted at what was to come: "This is not a whodunit. It's a how-many-people-dunit."

Whoever mailed the letter "made an enormous mistake," we were told. Federal charges were "certain."

A law firm partner who asked not to be identified by name spoke with us about the federal problems ahead for whoever mailed the letter: “If they have Smollett on the letter, he’ll be facing ’terroristic hoax’ charges, a felony. There may be federal obstruction charges as well.”

All in all, the federal legal options are numerous: “If they want to bury him, they can.”