Titanfall: Apex Legens - f2p battle royale game

i just bought the 500gb Samsung EVO Plus

gonna be bootin' in like 3 seconds flat

I bought some RAM on Amazon, was supposed to arrive today and checked the status:

thats a new one

I have an old 128gb Samsung 860 evo as my boot drive
it was also partitioned in half to let 64gb of it act as a caching drive for my two old 1TB HDDs that were running in RAID0 back when RST was a thing

since the HDDs died and were replaced w m.2's, I was able to extend the boot partition to the full drive
3 squads left, we have best position, fully kitted out.

Memory crash. RIP.

Looks like I'll need windows 10 if I want to continue playing this game.

Should I play this?!


Have you tried simply re-seating your memory modules?

Naw, I just installed windows 10.

I've been playing for an hour and no problems yet.

I seem to be getting the hang of this game.


I went total beast mode with the wingman and the scout.

Last fight my teammate and I 2 v 3'ed the enemy team. I knocked out two of their guys by charging into their own smoke. Then the last dude killed my partner, but I sneaked around and walloped him with my wingman. Was super fun.

I've been trying to fill out badges on all the champions.

I actually hated bloodhound the most, but after last game, I think he's purdy good.
The Prowler with the selective fire mod got me a 10 kill win the other day. Every other weapon is dead to me.
i just played with some twitch streamer in my squad and he carried us all the way to the end....had something like 15 kills..the other 2 of us had...0 :rofl: