New New GIF (animated) Thread

Guys... I heard it was Dragons Breath ammo. I mean, dragons blood tree.

bullshit stop if the cop didn't want an interloper, they shouldn't have provided room for the lane change (which i do all the time)

need details before i feel vindicated in fully eviscerating i hate bad drivers
bullshit stop if the cop didn't want an interloper, they shouldn't have provided room for the lane change (which i do all the time)

need details before i feel vindicated in fully eviscerating i hate bad drivers

Every driver is required by law to operate a vehicle in a safe manner. If you force someone else to take evasive action, like braking or swerving, then you are operating recklessly, and that is illegal, and it can be ticketed.
I think the sirens on because there was impact between the vehicles, and cops were like "hey d00d, we gotsta swap insurance details, yo!"

That's my opinion.
Every driver is required by law to operate a vehicle in a safe manner. If you force someone else to take evasive action, like braking or swerving, then you are operating recklessly, and that is illegal, and it can be ticketed.
I'm going to have to call bullshit on that. By that definition, an evasive action could be deemed "reckless" if it caused someone else to react in turn.

I'm all for karmic justice, but I think there were at least two other drivers in that GIF that were also pretty shitty.
bullshit stop if the cop didn't want an interloper, they shouldn't have provided room for the lane change (which i do all the time)

need details before i feel vindicated in fully eviscerating i hate bad drivers
It looks like there was a ton of room in front of that SUV and he kept merging super slow just to piss off the other SUV (who happened to be a cop). :weird:
Could have had an expired tag, or illegal tint, or a host of other reasons for being stopped, maybe the officer didn't feel like the guy established himself within the lane before the second lane change (you have to but people cut over multiple lanes a lot)... could have pulled him for all kinds of stuff not shown in the video.

Signed, a cop
Left lane = Fast lane here? Assuming it's American footage.

So the driver moved across three lanes of traffic to force themselves into that lane?

Yeah... fuck that person. Seems pretty unnecessary for them to be doing that. I'm all for punishing cunty drivers. Unless I've missed something obvious.
He pretty much bullied his way into that lane. Cop can easily say the guy cut him off which, it looks like he did.