[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Lock ivanka and killary in the same cell!

Both sides reeeeeee 2019


"There really is no equivalency," she said. "All of my emails that relate to any form of government work, which was mainly scheduling and logistics and managing the fact that I have a home life and a work life, are all part of the public record. They're all stored on the White House system. So everything has been preserved. Everything has been archived. There just is no equivalency between the two things."

"All of my emails are stored and preserved," she added. "There were no deletions. There is no attempt to hide. There's no equivalency to what my father's spoken about."
Please explain, what is a "rebel" flag in Canada? In Quebec I'd guess it might be the Canadian flag, but in other provinces... I don't know.

According to that thing called the internets:

A national survey found that 74 per cent of Canadians believe the country achieved independence 150 years ago. According to the poll, conducted for Postmedia by the Association for Canadian Studies and Leger Marketing, 14 per cent said it was in 1982, when the Queen and then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau signed the Constitution Act.

Only five per cent of respondents chose 1919 as the milestone year. Six per cent said it was 1931. The real date lies somewhere between 1919 (the year Canada joined the League of Nations) and 1931, when Canada ceased to be under the rule of the British Empire, according to Jedwab.

“We usually associate nations as things that are sovereign and independent. From that standpoint, Canada was not sovereign and independent in 1867, but it is probably one of the most critical events in its eventual emergence as a nation state in a contemporary understanding of those things,” he said.

So, if Canadians can't even agree on the date, when and under what flag were these Canadian "rebels" operating?
As others have said, confederate battle flag

"This despicable targeting of our brave service members will never be tolerated," said Director Andrew Traver of Naval Criminal Investigative Service. "We will not allow criminal networks to degrade the readiness of our military force. We were able to complete this first phase because of the excellent work by all our law enforcement partners, who are dedicated to helping protect our military service members. This operation will continue until we break the back of these criminal networks."
Most likely, canadian rednecks see the confederate flag(s) the same way most white rednecks here do. Has nothing to do with slavery or white supremacy, or any other sjw trigger words

Same as everywhere. It's because we all love Billy Idol and Lynyrd Skynyrd

Shit does NOT get any better than this

Hi Vanster, please enjoy. I know you love this clip so much :sunny:
is this trump bump stock ban requiring people to turn them in, or just to stop sales? this fucking silver spoon crook is *trying* to start something. what a bunch of useful idiots