And now Charlie Brown is racist


Veteran XX
You’re a racist man, Charlie Brown!

Critics are slamming ABC’s “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” for seating its only black character, Franklin, alone on one side of the holiday table — in a rickety old lawn chair.

Meanwhile, white friends — including Peppermint Patty, Charlie Brown, Sally and even Snoopy — were all seated across from him in real chairs as they feasted, Twitter users pointed out.

The special, which debuted Nov. 20, 1973, aired again on Wednesday — prompting social media outrage over the gang’s highly unwoke picnic table arrangement.

“Why is Franklin in Charlie Brown Thanksgiving sitting all by himself at the table. Man. Things that I did not notice as a child,” @Asharp52 blasted on Twitter.

Others said good grief over a seating chart that would have thrilled George Wallace.

“Not watching Charlie Brown Thanksgiving anymore, until they sit some people on the same side of the table as Franklin,” another critic tweeted, along with two black power-style fist emojis.

The scene in question centers on an impromptu holiday feast — of toast, jelly beans and ice cream — in Charlie Brown’s backyard.

At one point, poor lonesome Franklin topples over in his half-broken chair.

“They give our friend the busted chair and won’t even sit on the same side of the table, more proof that Charlie Brown and his cohorts are RACIST,” slammed Twitter user @mwizzy128.

But others defended the classic special, pointing out its creator Charles Schulz fought to add Franklin to the cast to stand up against racism in 1968.

“Seriously please get some historical context. Charles M. Schultz was a trailblazer and bucked racism in those days by adding Franklin to reflect the issue… and challenging what was then going on in society,” tweeted California radio show host Mark Larson.

Im pretty sure Franklin is sitting next Woodstock, he's just not inthe picture at the moment

i hate this world.
Continuing to point out differences between us is the only way to being us together.

Maybe it was a bring your own goddamn chair party.

Did Franklin contribute to the party, or just eat their milkshakes.
They invite him to the party and seat all the white kids on one side, packed in like slaves on a ship with no elbow room, give him the soft chair and 2 extra milkshake reparations, and it's still not good enough.
kittycuk rag quit twitter when he got zero likes (or whatever they do for rep there)

Not a single frame in this book with token black kid Franklin, yet they put this quote twice in the last two pages.



like anyone cares what that kenyan muslim thinks
They are missing the point that to even include the dude was very forward at the time.

I think the whole point of the seating was to highlight what was/had been going on in the country at the time and was designed to draw attention to segregation and the racial divide.

Ppl nowadays are such fuckwits.
Lemme see if I can conjure Chris Rock -

Now, while all us black people were busy watching football, drinking and eating over Thanksgiving, you crackers found something new to fight about. White people these days don't seem to be able to take a break. Not even on a holiday. You just gotta push that stick up that ass even farther. Always looking for trouble. It's like you already got all you want and now you are just looking for things to feel guilty and fight about. Here's what you came up with this weekend - Charlie Brown is a Racist.

Nope - you didn't hear me wrong. I'm not talking about Chris Brown or Jerry Brown - nope. You crackers decided to fight about a cartoon show from the 1950s. A time when blatant racism was normal. A time when you couldn't find a black man in a cartoon unless he had a bone in his lip and a spear in his hand. You dumb crackers went and picked on a show that even dared to portray a little black boy as being part of whiteyhood.

This is a show that was far ahead of it's time. One that embraced lesbians. Peppermint Patty and Marcie? You know they were scissoring in Snoopie's doghouse when no one was lookin. "Give it to me sir - give it to me! Oooo yeahhh sir o sir o sir"

So - which of you dumb crackers decided to call Charles Shulz out on Franklin? Franklin was introduced in 1968. Dad was a barber, dad was a soldier. And over what? Franklin is at the silly cracker table in the backyard on his own side? On the biggest chair? With ALL the popcorn? and the only kid with a spoon? In a cartoon? You dumb crackers don't have enough to do than go around on Twitter looking for things to be mad about over the holidays? Chill the fuck out. Your asses are getting so tight you are going to explode. White people will just be walking down the street and BOOM - there goes another white person.

Now, let's look at this from a black's perspective. So - it's not like we are watching this going "Sayyy. You know? The white people are right! That is racist! Why they have to put Franklin all by himself?" We have more pressing matters to attend to than comics of old. You know, like bullets. Not like you are gonna take a knee in front of a bullet.

You wanna see a racist cartoon? Watch some Fat Albert. Not a cracker in sight. Ain't no white folks in sight with the Cosby kids. Maybe Bill kept them out back hehe

Now, you are never gonna hear a black man complaining that there are not enough whites in Fat Albert. Why? It's a black cartoon. We all appreciate that some of you thought about us and tried to slip a black kid into Peanuts. Back then, we didn't have many options. We were gonna have to wait a few years for Soul Train and Sanford and Son. But - we all know that show is white. I don't think it could get more white. None of the shit that happened in those shows was how shit went down in the black neighborhoods. Ever see dogs in a black neighborhood? I didn't think so. We don't exactly like dogs. Dogs you see in black neighborhoods always look like they are starving. You know why? No one will let them in or get close to them. Meanwhile - out in whitey land - dogs fly around and fight the red baron and shit.

etc etc
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Wikipedia describes Franklin:

Charlie Brown is always on good terms with the strip's sole African-American character and a good friend to him. Franklin is arguably the nicest person in the strip to Charlie Brown, and the two occasionally build sand castles, go to Charlie Brown's house, and watch movies together.

If that isn't a text book description of a racist interaction... well, I guess I don't know how to be racist towards others. Fuck You Charlie Brown, you racist sand castle making son of a bitch.