Went out and bought a new xbox just for this game. Loved the first one, really liking the second version except for some of the tedious crap of cleaning/chores/etc.
"Someone said something slightly rude to me...

So, I've played for a couple hours. I can't stand the controls. If your aim is to make the game intense by coming up with confusing and stupid controls during gameplay, congratulations, you succeeded. Game designers also need to understand there is realism, and then there is unnecessary realism. I'm not talking about skinning deer, or brushing your horse. I'm talking about the 20 minutes of riding to get to the encounter/story area. So, let me get this straight, you, the game developers, thought it would be ok to force players to sit holding a button for 15 minutes while your on screen avatar rode along with another character back to camp? At least you provided a cinematic mode that didn't force you to actually control your horse while riding along listening to the two characters blather on and on about some botched bank robbery or something. For 20 fucking minutes. Staring at a mostly white screen of a snow storm.

Bleh. Please tell me it gets better.

game giving everyone equal rights......and lefts

Youtube deleted that guy's account with no strikes or warnings for "promoting violence". He had 500k subscribers and posts shitloads of video game clips. They restored it a little bit ago, but fuck.