[so] Vanster, when were you adopted, and what state?

its almost like poor people with no prospects attempt to live a life that doesnt suck completely for them by buying shiny new shit and having toys to take their minds off how bleak living is, even if they cant afford it to well

this is also true for non-poor poor people, like drillers, miners, fishmans, people that can be killed pretty easily on the job that makes them some decent dough
Miners I can comment on.. that is true. Not all of them but enough to stereotype. 150 grand a year, shit house, shit yard, shit everything but 75,000 dollar truck in the driveway.

Again, poor does not equate to shit. I know plenty of poor people who are clean and take care of the shit they are able to take care of
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sure me too
but i also know all the oil drillers have an RV, a giant truck, some dirt bikes, a motorcycle, an atv or 2, some jetskis and a boat

instead of you know, putting that shit into a 401k or investments or hell savings accounts and not just blowing everything you make all the time so when the oil market dives and you're out of a job for 12 months, you arent totally fucked
Coal and gold mining are feast or famine jobs. It was always amazing to me the amount of people who couldn't get through 2 weeks of a long wall move or had to file for assistance if a gold mine shut down for 2 weeks.
Miners I can comment on.. that is true. Not all of them but enough to stereotype. 150 grand a year, shit house, shit yard, shit everything but 75,000 dollar truck in the driveway.


see alot of this, especially in off shore jobs

but their truck? lol, spotless
its almost like poor people with no prospects attempt to live a life that doesnt suck completely for them by buying shiny new shit and having toys to take their minds off how bleak living is, even if they cant afford it to well

this is also true for non-poor poor people, like drillers, miners, fishmans, people that can be killed pretty easily on the job that makes them some decent dough

This is also true of: a high percentage of americans from all classes, it just doesn't negatively affect the middle to upper in the way it does the lower.
It was my parents mistakes and my career that trained me to save like a miser. All the shit I saw made me willing to sacrifice status symbols for future security
i was house poor my entire 20s, and i saved enough to be a millionaire by the time i'm 60 already

but i didnt do shit or have fun for nearly a decade :lol:
sure, she might be

but she got her fuckin scholarships and jobs by claiming she was native American without proof, thus robbing actual native americans of the opportunity

This is the worst idea the United States has ever had. Giving help based on race; how is that not divisive? How is that not UnAmerican? How is that not the most racist thing ever?
Yeah, my mother lives in Kansas City, my father was killed in 1982; we never met. I've met her a few times. I have a lot of family on the reservation (SunRoads and Spoonhunter clans mostly), but it's hard to make connections with them. All are alcoholics, they've never left the reservation, and other than the fact that we look alike, I've not much in common with them.

I did do fancy dance at Pow Wows for a few years, and that was a lot of fun. My nieces are shawl dancers, jingle dancers and grass dancers. I have one cousin that still does fancy dance; he's really good.

Since you started this ama or whatever, I was one of the more garrulous and contentious activists when the Northern Arapaho Nation was moving to get gaming legal in Wyoming. The Wind River Indian Reservation is among the most violent in America: only Pine Ridge in SD is more blood-thirsty, and not by much. The life expectancy of a male born on my reservation is 49-- 12 less than Afghanistan.

I've never lived on the res, but do visit relatives. It's one of the saddest places you will ever see: deep canyons, beautiful water, eagles circling over trailer homes with windows all shot out, a pile of whiskey bottles on the porch.

Are you mad at the republicans for striking the Native American adoption law? That could have been you stuck on the reservation.
cuz we committed genocide against them and that was a woopsie daisy

It's not like they didn't fight back and we didn't lose people. You need to read up on your history. Some people are winners some people are losers. :shrug:
20 million dead in 50 years before we even really did anything in murica
but thats separate from the 1800s massacres
There were all those treaties Jackson made with no intention of making good on any of them. But how important is ones honor and integrity really? No big deal right? He did bring them blankets to help them in the winter, there is that I suppose.
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There were all those treaties Jackson made with no intention of making good on any of them. But how important is ones honor and integrity really? No big deal right? He did bring them blankets to help them in the winter, there is that I suppose.

that was very nice of him
i was just saying thats why we give them free college or whatever here
jesus fuck you morons

good god dammit
context people
Our ancestors royaly fucked natives over and the sad state of affairs that are reservations and indigenous people being drunk off Lysol on public transit at 8am on a Wednesday in every Canadian city is fallout from that
Our ancestors royaly fucked natives over and the sad state of affairs that are reservations and indigenous people being drunk off Lysol on public transit at 8am on a Wednesday in every Canadian city is fallout from that

is that how this works......good to know

let me break down individual responsibility (as defined today) in the words of mouth foaming, heart bleeding, nu-male, mega cuck caucasions like ztir and goshin

IF YOU......

dropped out of High School that isn't your fault

if you didn't learn anything in Public School that isn't your fault

if you got pregnant as a teen that isn't your fault

if you started doing drugs and became a substance abuser that isn't your fault

if you got an STD from sexual promiscuity that isn't your fault


if you found out that one of your many ancestors, almost 250 years ago, got into a fight with a Native American, who was often trying to kill them, in a direct fight over land/food resources in that area, or took advantage of a black person in regards to farm labor standards........

Well that that is YOUR FAULT TODAY and you just need to suck it up and learn to get over what you did to these people


which is why they are still drunk and unable to do anything but point to people they also never met and can barely name at this point.........yet alone the individual crimes that might have been committed against them

and is why you need to STILL pay them money, reparations, have different hiring standards preferentially favoring them, college acceptance measurements, tax codes, land rights, etc, etc,
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