[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

you have.
you're educated. you lived amongst religious zealots and backwards hicks.
you did everything you could to pave a different fate for yourself. you travelled you studied and tried to teach others.

in the end tho you're just a duck. you tried so hard not to be, but you're a duck.

you're a drunk
you're a loudmouth racist
you drive drunk
you beat women

you're basically king of the rednecks

Ouch. He kinda makes a point. I have a couple buds up in Ohio you could hang out with...
Because you profess to worry about her well being all the time.

As I've said before, you are comfortable in your computer chair, and throwing electronic threats and insults. It becomes you.

Coming at me irl. . not really in your best interest.

please point out where i said or acted like i was worried about that dumb bitch's well being. i'll wait here.

and go ahead and threaten me a few more times on the internet while you're at it, you fucking coward.
Nothing more open minded then grouping people together that have no definitive relation other than opposing thoughts of your own.

ScooBy "redneck" Snack
you have.
you're educated. you lived amongst religious zealots and backwards hicks.
you did everything you could to pave a different fate for yourself. you travelled you studied and tried to teach others.

in the end tho you're just a duck. you tried so hard not to be, but you're a duck.

you're a drunk
you're a loudmouth racist
you drive drunk
you beat women

you're basically king of the rednecks

in other words, the epitome of what he allegedly despises and more familiar with the inside of a jail cell than Orange Hitler

but hey, he wants to talk about Orange Hitler and not about other posters as he makes baseless accusations against others (like Fool and havax, etc.)

lol, mental gymnastics at its finest. the election broke him.
I think it supports my thesis that most white supremacists do it from their computer chair and nowhere else. I'm pretty sure none of the good folks from this place have ever been to a rally, or said as much as a squeak irl. Their racism, like most, they are happy to confine to a BBS, as that will preserve their anonymity.

aycshkually i'm doing it from the toilet in mom's basement, but close enuff i guess

p.s. i, like the immortal r. lee ermey, believe that all people are equally worthless
Since TW isn't racist, what does it mean when people double the parentheses?


What does that mean? It's a code or something.
it's an old version of the vbcode on tribalwar gaming news. it's meant to send a bat signal to rayn that we need cleanup on the tables. it was disabled after that damaster faggot exploited it but lots of ppl in the kool kids klub still use it like the masons' secret handshake.
Since TW isn't racist, what does it mean when people double the parentheses?


What does that mean? It's a code or something.

the correct syntax is ((())) but it's ok, not everybody knos the kkkode that's y it's a good way of secret communication ;)
it's an old version of the vbcode on tribalwar gaming news. it's meant to send a bat signal to rayn that we need cleanup on the tables. it was disabled after that damaster faggot exploited it but lots of ppl in the kool kids klub still use it like the masons' secret handshake.

kool kids klub

That's 2 misspellings in 3 words.
oldcuckfuck nativeretardfuckcuck vansta supadupa bin njoyn takn slaps rite dafuq him pussyass fukn teefz n m0uf wutta guuuuud GUD lil oldnativecuckfuk pussyass fuccboi fukn l0s3r smdh lol :jester:
Yea... no bias or ulterior motives in the FBI or the Dept. of Justice...

Nope. Just straight shooting, just the facts ma'am, professionals protecting the American public interest.

No conspiracy or collusion to obstruct and or frame a presidential candidate at all.

Since TW isn't racist, what does it mean when people double the parentheses?


What does that mean? It's a code or something.

No sorry to burst your liberal/victim card but TW isn't racist..no more than when you go into a a Costco and see the few hundred people shopping. Chances are someone is racist (like you) but saying TW is racist because of the absent types around is pure stupid.