[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


REEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee indeed



I really like this part: "... Jewish ideologies functioning as organized religions, with sacred tests promising deliverance from earthly travail". This right here is all the proof needed to state that Jewish ideologies are totalitarian in nature. This is what separates totalitarianism from authoritarianism - that there is nothing to fear because their ideology will save all of peoplekind - wheras with an authoritarian, they just dont give a shit.

it is kind of the ultimate irony to see media elite still pander to Israel......Israeli walls and border protection for Zion

them laughing while gassing, shooting, celebrating, cheering, the deaths of Palestinians (near their borders)

while simultaneously crying about America even trying to enforce ANY of our border laws



hearing a different perspective feels a lot like trying to find a non-jewish lawyer in NY, CA, to DC right now..........for some strangely inexplicable reason
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Let's compare kids playing ping pong without their parents for a maximum of 20 days to the holocaust. That certainly won't cheapen the holocaust and doesn't make democrats look insane at all.

The problem is the leftist and anti-whites have lost their power to win arguments with simple words like "Nazi" and "racist" which has worked in the past on 99% of cuckservative politicians. This was the left's only ability to win arguments as they have no facts to support them.

This last election and their abuse of those words hasn't worked they're forced to up the ante with the next closest thing the "holocaust" which backs them even further on the fringe. The Internet's wide spread use has rendered most of these terms null due to the lefts lack of actual argument and the fact that we're not up to our eye balls in Nazis and racists as much as they claim there should be racists and Nazis running about unless you look at the leftist themselves.

So instead of the left changing after failing repeatedly they've tripled down on their delusional version of reality. Now they're sending their lap-dog comrades like elementary-brainwashers, college-propagandists, google, facebook, and twitter to deem facts as racist hate speech which also is backfiring on them and only swelling the ranks of the "alt-right" (which might as well mean centrist at this point). As the only the most brainwashed of morons like we have here are buying what they're selling.

It just so happens that the leftist/anti-whites are coincidentally trying to disarm their enemy which also happens to be the most well armed segment of US society as they ramp up their fascist/communist like tactics. I mean honestly all it took during the last 8 years was for the president (Obama) to give them the okay and turn a blind eye to what they're doing and they're burning down cities and attacking violently their political opposition (Trump Rallies anyone?).
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The problem is the leftist and anti-whites have lost their power to win arguments with simple words like "Nazi" and "racist" which has worked in the past on 99% of cuckservative politicians. This was the left's only ability to win arguments as they have no facts to support them.

This last election and their abuse of those words hasn't worked they're forced to up the ante with the next closest thing the "holocaust" which backs them even further on the fringe. The Internet's wide spread use has rendered most of these terms null due to the lefts lack of actual argument and the fact that we're not up to our eye balls in Nazis and racists as much as they claim there should be racists and Nazis running about unless you look at the leftist themselves.

So instead of the left changing after failing repeatedly they've tripled down on their delusional version of reality. Now they're sending their IT lap-dog comrades like google, facebook, and twitter to deem facts as racist hate speech which also is backfiring on them and only swelling the ranks of the "alt-right" (which might as well mean centrist at this point). As the only the most brainwashed of morons like we have here are buying what they're selling.

It just so happens that the leftist/anti-whites are coincidentally trying to disarm their enemy which also happens to be the most well armed segment of US society as they ramp up their fascist/communist like tactics. I mean honestly all it took during the last 8 years was for the president (Obama) to give them the okay and turn a blind eye to what they're doing and they're burning down cities and attacking violently their political opposition (Trump Rallies anyone?).

bingo.....my sentiments exactly

i actually watched a twitter argument go down yesterday involving "The New Colossus" Poem by Emma Lazarus. Where someone told them it was just words. To which the person responding said "SO WHAT" the Constitution was "JUST WORDS" and she was as much of if not more of an American citizen when she wrote them than our Founding Fathers were.........

At that point I had enough internet for the day.



Same game forever........until you begin to realize that there was no other point or premise behind the word racism. There was always one reason it was intended to apply in one direction and not the other. It was a tool to be used against white people for non-white people advancement. That the game is known, the words no longer have merit or meaning, and the cards now fall where they lie.

Vanster said:
1. There is no such thing as "reverse" racism.
2. "Gringo" isn't racist.

Vanster said:
I like how whites are wringing their hands and all up in arms about no longer being the largest race. It's just kind of funny.

Nigger - Honkey.. Spic - Gringo?

Vanster has long known and admitted this much to us.......but now that he is back to playing the life victim cards he isn't in much of a position to brag about it like he used to.

sorry not sorry buttercup.......you well overplayed your hand, went too hot too soon, and got called on it
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apparently the global goy knows now

and is kind of getting a little pissed off about it

World Cup 2018: FA condemns England fans' anti-Semitic chants

you can try to arrest everyone.......making a bad issue far worse

or you can further dehumanize them, act like their life and opinion does not matter, and see where that gets you again.

If you thinks the USA has a Nazi problem imagine what Europe is about to experience folks.

Trump didn't cause Brexit.......Trump didn't create Merkel issue........Trump didn't establish UKIP or Golden Dawn......every cancer has developed its own cure and he is just ours for now
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bingo.....my sentiments exactly

i actually watched a twitter argument go down yesterday involving "The New Colossus" Poem by Emma Lazarus. Where someone told them it was just words. To which the person responding said "SO WHAT" the Constitution was "JUST WORDS" and she was as much of if not more of an American citizen when she wrote them than our Founding Fathers were.........

At that point I had enough internet for the day.



Same game forever........until you begin to realize that there was no other point or premise behind the word racism. There was always one reason it was intended to apply in one direction and not the other. It was a tool to be used against white people for non-white people advancement. That the game is known, the words no longer have merit or meaning, and the cards now fall where they lie.

Nigger - Honkey.. Spic - Gringo?

Vanster has long known and admitted this much to us.......but now that he is back to playing the life victim cards he isn't in much of a position to brag about it like he used to.

You've been calling out racists like Cael and myself since you scuttled your way into this place. Honest question: with all the racists on TW, are there any white ones?

Obviously Cael is a terrible racist. It's apparent to anyone that I'm an awful racist. Those things are known to all of the 40 active members of TW.

Are there any white racists here?
there is no such thing as racism imo

there are only tribal members of tribalism here on tribalwar.com

politics has boiled into identity politics for a reason.......a team sport for a reason.

based down color lines, based down personality types, based on brain chemistry....

Liberals and conservatives don’t just vote differently. They think differently.

this is the way life always was and always will be...especially from here on out along our current trajectory of limited wealth and resources but far too many people.

absent tried to be racist......but at the end of the day you two bonded over your love and admiration of socialism, even national socialism, than you did over skin color differences. because at the end of the day being a commie is a stronger bond than anything else that might have otherwise separated you two genetically or at birth



at the end of the day i hate far more of "MY FELLOW" white people than i do people of color........and so long as that is the case how can i apply the racism title to anyone?
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Yeah 10 miles this morning, will do 7 tonight. 100 next weekend.

Of all the racists on TW, are there any white ones? It's a very simple question.
Yeah 10 miles this morning, will do 7 tonight. 100 next weekend.

Of all the racists on TW, are there any white ones? It's a very simple question.

dumb fukin indian can't read


try that one and run with it

and sadly you like absent

must really tell you something

because it tells me something