[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread



trump/putin/pence 2020
“This dude has all the tapes. This dude has everything,” Arnold told NBC News. “I say to Michael, ‘Guess what? We’re taking Trump down together,’ and he’s so tired he’s like, ‘OK,’ and his wife is like, ‘OK, fuck Trump.’”

“[Cohen and I have] been on the other side of the table and now we’re on the same side,” Arnold added. “It’s on! I hope [Trump] sees the picture of me and Michael Cohen and it haunts his dreams.”


Will Tom Arnold finally take down Trump? Tune in next year to his TV show to find out what he's found!
Sorry havax but this just came out and sort of kinda reinforces my earlier point.. btw this guy is an idiot... I love him

first minute applies is all.. the rest is just good clean fun


Triple now betting on Tom Arnold after the pornstar couldn't impeach Trump

I've gotten my hands on the information that can finally bring down Trump and end his fascist regime that's terrorizing half of America. I could release it now to the public to end this nightmare, but instead of that I'm going to package it and sell it for ratings, because here in America money matters more than principles.
left wing battle plan

Step 1) impeach the moderate president because of misplaced deranged obsession
Step 2) far right wing vice president takes over
Step 3) celebrate your victory