[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Trumpists defending an American traitor (Carter Page) trying to undermine the US government by aiding our #1 geopolitical adversary. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. You're all favoring Russia over your own country, think about that for a second. Or don't.
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How is a country with 7% the GDP of the US of the A a threat to the US of the A? Russia's GDP is smaller than Canukistans yet you think Russia is a threat?

Please explain. But itt :ftard: and can't put up so he'll stfu.
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Does anyone think if we get nunes staff to make a second memo we can maybe nab clinton? I dont think this first memo is good enough to get her behind bars it looks like a dud boys.

more memos boys can fake news keep up :lol:

We can keep making memos until one of them sticks on hillary

Nunes staffers will be working over time