Cali fixing homeless problems for good


i don't see the correlation

someone will have to mansplain it to me
I think that we should start reducing the number of electoral votes for CA.

Maybe the electoral vote system should be based on something like a standard set of socio-economic indicators that would give areas with the highest proof of success the most say in the electoral college? Low murder rate? Get a vote. High employment? Get a vote. High test scores in school system? Get a vote. etc

That's actually a great idea. I call it the TW College system.
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Ok. CA has the 6th highest GDP on planet earth. It remains to be seen if they can fix their debt crisis but their economy is pretty successful, regardless.
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Having massive debt doesn't sound like a good economy to me. I know I'm obv. incorrect but it really doesn't make sense.

Having a high GDP with zero debt would be impressive.
Ok. CA has the 6th highest GDP on planet earth. It remains to be seen if they can fix their debt crisis but their economy is pretty successful, regardless.

and also has the highest poverty rate in the entire nation

maybe we punish them for wealth inequality

take away electoral college votes for that

(or you know remove illegals from census)

u guys are into that kind of stuff right?

TRUE: California has the nation’s highest poverty rate, when factoring in cost-of-living | PolitiFact California

Latest census stats show a fifth of Californians in poverty | The Sacramento Bee

California has highest poverty rate of all US states, new report finds
Having massive debt doesn't sound like a good economy to me. I know I'm obv. incorrect but it really doesn't make sense.

Having a high GDP with zero debt would be impressive.

we richhhhhhhhhhhh bitch

Can Californias Economy Withstand $1.3 Trillion of Government Debt? | California Policy Center

California’s $1 trillion bill - San Francisco Chronicle

$1.9 billion error adds to California deficit projection

but you know have no idea what our budget really is

keep making multiple trillion dollar plus accounting mistakes every year

have no idea how upside down calpers really is

what our pension obligation expectations will be at realistic market return rates

but always have money to burn..........throw away at will

so long as they can keep raising and creating new taxes

sometimes i think mc hammer and evander hollyfield would make better cfo's and state treasurers
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Having massive debt doesn't sound like a good economy to me. I know I'm obv. incorrect but it really doesn't make sense.

Having a high GDP with zero debt would be impressive.

And, virtually impossible. The top 5 nations with the highest GDP have 4 in the top 10 of external debt totals.

I think the percentages of debt to GDP is what is worrisome. California is 54%. US in comparison is 98%. UK is 240%. China on the otherhand is only 13%.

CA's debt is up to $1.3t so obviously it will take years to see if they can turn it around. It all remains to be seen if their idiot politicians can find smart ways to generate revenue but honestly they look like they're just going to keep taxing everybody.
Cali can't even keep the delta smelt alive. They fucked over so many people and they still killed it off into extinction. It was a good play for crooks though. You know, divert the water from farmers - many of whom were hard working friends from south of the border. Kill off their crops. Make them go bankrupt. Then, after the doomed fish dies off - sell the land to corporations and foreign investors at high profit and divert the water back to the crops. Yeah. How's that dick feel Cali?
Well, the global warming excuse was a pretty good cover, though. You know, if you are going to fuck some regular old families right in the ass in plain site - you might as well blame the republicans for it. I honestly don't know why there hasn't been a revolution down there. People are leaving in droves. It's sad.
there hasn't been a revolution b/c the ppl of california r feckless losers who r running away in droves from the mess they made, looking 2 find new hosts to suck dry (basically doing wat they and their forefathers did when they ran away from their mess of a dust bowl and wound up trashing california in a few short decades)
Good thing they let awesome companies like Nestle have like 80 million gallons of good old CA water so that they can turn around and sell it right back to folks at like 50x the price.
Michigan is incorrectly listed in the image posted. What is actually occurring is libs are slowly but surely being run out of this great state. Which is a good thing for us Americans. Shitholes like Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Traverse City are still dem strongholds due to their nigger infestations. That will be changing though. ;)
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i don't see the correlation

someone will have to mansplain it to me

Well obviously Red is a very emotionally intense color, usually denoting "danger". It raises respiration and increases blood pressure in human physiology. Where as blue is a color associated with stability and often used to symbolize truth and intelligence. It also has a calming effect on the human psyche.

So obviously the map represents the trend in the population to run away form danger towards the areas of calm stability.