Iranian Women Defy Islamic Dress Code as Anti-Government Protests Sweep Nation

The basis for the 10 commandments can be traced back to Ancient Sumerian writings, except for the 1 God rule. I don't know what you mean by "the fall"?
The fall of Adam and Eve? You know, the whole basis for original sin and the requirement for Jesus' "sacrifice"?

Study more.

First you complain that they were fundamentalists assholes 500 years ago, and now, because they have advanced and began to accept more things as okay, you are complaining that they are no longer fundies.
You may also want to look up the difference between the words "foundational" and "fundamentalist".
The fall of Adam and Eve? You know, the whole basis for original sin and the requirement for Jesus' "sacrifice"?
Oh! I thought you were hinting about the stories of the angels that fell from heaven. You know, the Fallen Angels that were breeding with the daughters of man. This of course ultimately led to males and females covering their heads, to protect the women from the fallen angels which is still today observed in some Jewish and Christian sects and, of course, Islam which took it to the extreme.

You may also want to look up the difference between the words "foundational" and "fundamentalist".
No, I don't need to. You were discussing Jewish scripture in the Bible as being hardcore and ruthless. If the Christians today were following it, they would be considered fundamentalists, not foundationalist.
in the words of insane clown posse

DSubL05XkAAV370.jpg:large do they work

but amadeus built his empire on them
I kinda know what you mean by "black culture" and "white culture", but those aren't the inherent products of the people's skin colour. There are lots of white people of various cultures around the world. Do you think that the population of a russian village has anything in common culturally with that of a large city in the american south, just because they're both white?

then lets stick to just one country. lets start with he U.S.

Do you think black culture in the U.S. is just like white culture in the U.S.?
then lets stick to just one country. lets start with he U.S.

Do you think black culture in the U.S. is just like white culture in the U.S.?
Even then, white hillibillies living in the boonies and white silicon valley tech guys are at least as culturally different from each other as they are from blacks living in Harlem.

The phrases "white culture" and "black culture" imply that these cultures are inherently tied to skin colour somehow, which is not true. Yes, there is a lot of correlation for various reasons, and it's convenient shorthand, but there's nothing preventing a person from adopting a different culture than what's stereotypical for his skin colour.

So if you want to talk about the culture, then talk about the culture and leave skin colour out of it.
No, I don't need to. You were discussing Jewish scripture in the Bible as being hardcore and ruthless. If the Christians today were following it, they would be considered fundamentalists, not foundationalist.
What I was pointing out is that while Christians will happily dismiss the parts of the old testament that call for killing infidels and owning slaves, they still cling to other parts of it such as the ten commandments or the fall. Which demonstrates that it doesn't fucking matter what a holy text says, civilised people will rationalize their way out of following the uncivilized bits.
Let´s see how the liberals twist this into a pro islam thing:

Aykan Erdemir on Twitter:

#Turkey’s state-funded Religious Affairs Directorate (#Diyanet) declares that 9-year-old girls are eligible to marry (preferably, but NOT necessarily with the approval of their parents/guardians) & give birth!!!

Turkey is going right back to the dark ages (and beyond).
Great Country. Great Leader. Great Religion.
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Yes. That is the problem. Not the religion, not the skin colour.

Glad we could clear that up.

Their Religion is the REASON why they are viewed as uncivilized.
If Islam wouldn´t tell its followers to fuck children, kill gays, oppress women and kill nonbelievers
we wouldn´t see them as unzivilized.
Their Religion is the REASON why they are viewed as uncivilized.
If Islam wouldn´t tell its followers to fuck children, kill gays, oppress women and kill nonbelievers
we wouldn´t see them as unzivilized.
Again, the Bible tells jews and Christians to do all sorts of shit. And yet it's only the uneducated/uncivilised Christians who actually do it.

What has changed between the spanish inquisition and today? It certainly wasn't the religion, so why did westerners stop torturing people to death over not believing in God?
The Reformation happend. Exactly what Islam critics want to happen in the Islamic World.
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What I was pointing out is that while Christians will happily dismiss the parts of the old testament that call for killing infidels and owning slaves, they still cling to other parts of it such as the ten commandments or the fall.
How DARE the Christians not follow Jewish laws about stoning people, owning slaves, multiple wives, etc. and instead, follow something as archaic as the 10 fucking Commandants or Eve convincing Man to eat from a fruit that Yaldabaoth said they couldn't eat.

The nerve of today's Christians! They should be forced to follow ancient Jewish laws so they act like I perceive them to be: violent, cruel and vindictive people.

Which demonstrates that it doesn't fucking matter what a holy text says, civilised people will rationalize their way out of following the uncivilized bits.
ArakAtak spelled it out perfectly. But you are upset that civilized Christians are not following ancient Jewish laws and behaving like Dirka Dirkas who follow their religion exactly as their 'Holy Book' tells them.

Sooner or later, you Cultural Marxists are going to have to stop trying to bring up current, modern-day Christians when we are discussing current, modern-day Muslims.
(I never said I'm upset about any of that, but keep having a conversation with that strawman if it makes you feel better)
Yes. That is the problem. Not the religion, not the skin colour.

Glad we could clear that up.
well this lil faggot watches cartoons for little when a terrorist says "I bombed you because of my religion" he's here to set things straight for us