[it's official] Jew Trump gives full power to the Jews

except this time, it will be heavily guarded.


trump is the only president that does what he promised he would do during his campaign ggs

What about the wall? What about jailing Hillary, what about helping the working class? What has he actually accomplished? Seems to me he is mostly talk or tweet.
have u even seen the wall prototypes jimmy

we're talking 30 feet of big bad beautiful maga to stop any mexicans who try to cross the border at that particular spot :flag:
What about the wall?
Border Agents Batter Trump's Wall Samples With Jackhammers to Test Vulnerabilities

What about jailing Hillary

Feds eye anti-Trump FBI agent over shady moves in Hillary email probe | New York Post

Never going to happen though, she's bulletproof

what about helping the working class?
1. His record on jobs. When it comes to jobs, Trump has added 317,000 in two full months so far. His pace of job gains is almost exactly the same as what happened last year under President Obama. It's early days, but the economy has yet to be turbocharged like Trump promised.
Related: Trump says he created 600,000 jobs
2. His executive orders. Trump says he is saving the coal industry and enacting "Hire American" policies. He has signed several executive orders along those lines, but just about everyone -- even coal executives -- agree the coal jobs aren't coming back. The U.S. has lost two-thirds of its coal jobs since the 1980s. Only 53,000 people still work in coal, far less than the 200,000+ workers in solar energy.
Another accomplishment Trump touts is approving the Keystone XL Pipeline. That will create some temporary construction work, but it only creates 35 permanent jobs, according to a government report.
3. His trade deals. Perhaps the biggest surprise in Trump's first 100 days is how much he has toned down on trade. Yes, his administration has already slapped tariffs on Canadian lumber, but he isn't ripping up NAFTA, the free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico that he says "destroyed" America.
4. His tax plan. As promised, the White House tax plan includes cuts for middle and moderate income folks, but the rich and corporations get even more goodies.

What has he actually accomplished? Seems to me he is mostly talk or tweet.


Obama in 2008
"Let me be clear. Israel's security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable.

The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them to prosper — but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognised and defensible borders.

Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided. I have no illusions that this will be easy."

Bush in 2000
"Something will happen when I'm president: as soon as I take office I will begin the process of moving the US ambassador to the city Israel has chosen as its capital."

Clinton in 1993
"I have always wanted to move our embassy to west Jerusalem. We have a designated site there. I have not done so because I didn't want to do anything to undermine our ability to help to broker a secure and fair and lasting peace for Israelis and for Palestinians."

Trump is the only one with balls enough to do something.
Everyone knows that there might be someone dumb enough to take the bait and try something stupid.

Jerusalem is the holiest spot of the holy for a few different religions. People need to work the peace process out. This will help.
Meh. Most people could give a fuck about Israel.

Most people are pretty willfully ignorant. Israel is the fundamental driving force behind US foreign policy for decades now, is the linchpin for most of the conflict in the middle east, the resulting terrorism and the draw for US military involvement, they really should give a fuck about it. This move is creating a whole new array of pissed-off-mooslims.
I have a theory that Israel should be disbanded, or moved to another location, away from there. Let Palestine have it back, and then let the area just kind of 'sort things out' it self.
Most people are pretty willfully ignorant. Israel is the fundamental driving force behind US foreign policy for decades now, is the linchpin for most of the conflict in the middle east, the resulting terrorism and the draw for US military involvement, they really should give a fuck about it. This move is creating a whole new array of pissed-off-mooslims.

I am a Washington kinda guy. Playing favorites is what makes enemies.

Let people be until they attack or threaten and then conquer.

Peace in the middle east would be awesome. Without larger countries being involved - this would have resolved long ago. We have demonstrated that people of all religions and backgrounds can live together peacefully. We have created a country where this is true. It's not always pretty but it can work.

That neck of the woods needs to work it out. Either learn to live together or one side needs to assimilate the other. Shit. We are only talking about a few million people in the entire country. They could all make a new life in the state of Montana or something. There might be a million or two US citizens who would like to become Muslim and we could trade. Basically - the needs of a few million people that aren't in our country should not threaten the livelihood of hundreds of millions at home.

Let's face it - the world is becoming way more secular as people get more and more sick of fighting and wars based on religious belief. That means less and less people give a shit about places like Jerusalem. I understand that there are some people who are absolutely gaga over the place but not the majority. The majority of people in the US really could care less about Jerusalem. What we want even more is for people to STFU and go mind their own business. On top of that - we often wish our own government would follow the same advice.
Most people are pretty willfully ignorant. Israel is the fundamental driving force behind US foreign policy for decades now, is the linchpin for most of the conflict in the middle east, the resulting terrorism and the draw for US military involvement, they really should give a fuck about it. This move is creating a whole new array of pissed-off-mooslims.

Do you ever consider how your inclination to shy away from things that would piss off the mooslims is a weak and submissive position? Our foreign policy should be dictated by what pisses off Muslims?

You should be a Swedish politician.