US Navy: Penis in sky drawn by jet trail was 'unacceptable'

The Magical Zoo

Veteran XV

US Navy: Penis in sky drawn by jet trail was 'unacceptable' - BBC News

US Navy officials have said it was "absolutely unacceptable" that one of their pilots used a jet's contrail to draw a penis in the sky.

The phallic outline over Okanogan County in the western US state of Washington provoked much mirth online.

But commanders at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island did not see the funny side and have ordered an inquiry.
How are these officials going to get seamen and cock out of their heads for long enough to do their job if one is hanging above all their heads?
I can think of much worse ways to waste tax payers dollars. At least this one makes people....well most normal people laugh.
In 2017, you've got some 24 year old kid driving an F/A 18, the temptation to turn on smoke and draw something sophomoric would be awful. I'm 52, and in the same position, I'd have done it. This shit reminds me of when Janet Jackson showed her nipple with that weird metal thing on it and women all across the country wanted to sue because their children were probably scarred for life.

Goddamn, he was probably out for a certain amount of time, would have used the same fuel and resources anyway-- he decided to turn smoke on and draw a cock. I hope the USA is strong enough to recover from this. I hope we can pull through.
is fancy cat still in the navy?

I know his height kept him from being in the fighter jets but golly gee, i would love if he had some input on this