[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Everyone seems to have forgotten their manners. Just because you can do something or say something doesn't mean you should. So confusing for some people. I still like Stanhope's two country analysis. There are only 2 countries in the world - dick and not a dick. Here is a clue you are a dick - when you ruin millions of peoples entertainment for your own reasons. Solid member of the country dick. So exercise that freedom of speech. Just don't whine when people tune you out.

I don't hear the NFL or it's players whining. Salaries are the highest in history. Concussion and player safety provisions have been enacted and are being enforced. NFL revenues continue to set records year over year.

The only whining I hear are cucks that don't like the way some people choose to protest or express themselves.


Brasstax said:
Here is the deal - as viewers - we let these people into our homes. We invite them into our living rooms. They are guests. They are not the hosts. They have forgotten this. Trump is right - the game is cucked up.


You don't invite them into your home. They provide an entertainment service and you can choose to watch or not watch the entertainment that they provide. They are not your guests. You pay them for their service in the form of ad and product consumption.

This is up there with some of the most entitled perspectives I've ever read on this board lol.
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I guess we will see right phrito? Nice thing about the NFL is they don't pause and think... they just react. We will have an answer by the end of the season.

Will the NFL retain their power as the premier sport in the US?


Will the NFL feel the pinch and backtrack?
and you think these guys have a shot phrito?


:rofl: NFL
Obviously rednecks will speak out first in NASCAR cause they don't care.

I wonder if the NFL owners are that different?

More importantly I wonder how the opinions differ between nascar's fan base vs the NFL's fan base?
I feel like the people who get angry about NFL players not standing during the Star Spangled Banner should really calm themselves down, and examine their own hearts and minds. These men are doing what they think is best, and for you to presume their patriotism is sanctimonious.

A bunch of violent illiterate racist criminals are defending a bunch of other dumb, violebt illiterate criminals. basically a summary of blacks in the us
I'm shocked that anyone would think their words should have no consequences. You may want to fuck your boss' wife, but telling him probably isn't a good idea.
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What race has a larger portion that watches and supports the NFL?

Same question for NASCAR?

NASCAR Owners Say They Would Fire Employees Who Protest Anthem | HuffPost


NASCAR is desperately trying to stay relevant. 15 years ago they were the #2 revenue generating sport/league on the planet. Now they are 7th behind the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, Premier League and Bundesliga. This was the perfect opportunity to rally some hicks back to their sport.

That said, if a few of their top drivers decided to take a knee, I guarantee NASCAR would change their stance real quick. They aren't in the business of losing top talent and degrading their brand. People have short memories, and if they aren't putting a top quality product on the track, the longterm degradation of their business from firing top talent would far outweigh the small bump they'll see from 'taking a stand'.
What race has a larger portion that watches and supports the NFL?

Same question for NASCAR?

NASCAR Owners Say They Would Fire Employees Who Protest Anthem | HuffPost

I am not interested in seeing companies dying off in the US but I sure am hoping that the NFL takes a huge hit over this, to the point where they have to restructure their entire outfit and take notice of their fanbase. Straight, white males make up the bulk of their fans which in turn mean $$. If they continue to allow this to fluster, the white people will do what white people always do however this time around, because 50% of the NFL owners are Jews, the media will have a field day with 'White Flight' from the NFL.

The Jewish owners will figure out some way to use this as proof that white people are racist and antisemitic but deep down, I hope this opens the eyes of all the people protesting this game to see what their life is like without football in it. Then, after the owners actually do something about it, in an attempt to bring the $$ back, the people that protested it see that they actually do not need the NFL in their lives.

It could take an entire generation of constant pandering by the NFL owners to get their viewership ($$$) back to where it was 2 years ago.That being said, I think a lot of the people saying they are going to protest the NFL, is really just lip service. These people need to see all the other problems with the league to really begin to protest it like I have done.

I have no desire to watch any of the games. None.
NASCAR is desperately trying to stay relevant. 15 years ago they were the #2 revenue generating sport/league on the planet. Now they are 7th behind the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, Premier League and Bundesliga. This was the perfect opportunity to rally some hicks back to their sport.

That said, if a few of their top drivers decided to take a knee, I guarantee NASCAR would change their stance real quick. They aren't in the business of losing top talent and degrading their brand. People have short memories, and if they aren't putting a top quality product on the track, the longterm degradation of their business from firing top talent would far outweigh the small bump they'll see from 'taking a stand'.

It's actually pretty funny what they did to fuck it up. They forgot about their core fans and instead reached out to people who only saw it as a passing fad because they wanted rapid 'growth'. The people who saw it as a fad quickly grew tired of it, and they had already basically told their core fans to fuck off.
I am just shocked I was able to leave a big pile of shit out there and phrito stepped right over it. You know, the whole classifying Millennials as a race thing.

I thought it was funny but I didn't think it would fly