Will we ever go to war with North Korea?

Bullshhit. Our nuclear arsenal is for MAD purposes only. No 1st world country will ever use a nuke again unless we're talking about a WWIII end of the world scenario.
MIIC is spending billions on "micro nukes" in an effort to enable the use of nukes on battlefields.

Such is the psychopathy of


This building coerces American's to spend $900,000,000,000 a year to support it. Most American's are only too eager to do so :lol:

Talk about getting "OWNED."
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It actually makes perfect sense. Do you not understand the geopolitics of the region out of stupidity or intentionally? China was seen as likely willing to militarily defend NK for a long time. That has changed, and now NK has nukes, which they won't give up as they've seen that the US does not negotiate in good faith and does not honor any agreements (Iraq, Libya). NK has tried negotiating in the past, only to always be rebuffed by the US. Now, they will saber rattle to prove a credible threat.

yeah, not really. NK has threatened, bullied, attempted to coerce, but never 'negotiate'
MIIC is spending billions on "micro nukes" in an effort to enable the use of nukes on battlefields.

Such is the psychopathy of


This building coerces American's to spend $900,000,000,000 a year to support it. Most American's are only too eager to do so :lol:

Talk about getting "OWNED."

tactical nukes ("mini" lol) have been available to the us military since the 1950s, they were ultimately deemed a poor alternative to other battlefield and aerial weapons

why a low-yield nuke is so terrifying is something only your retard brain could comprehend
tactical nukes ("mini" lol) have been available to the us military since the 1950s, they were ultimately deemed a poor alternative to other battlefield and aerial weapons

why a low-yield nuke is so terrifying is something only your retard brain could comprehend
They didn't have "micro nukes" in the 50's.
SO... what happens when you topple the NK Regime and you suddenly create 25 million refugees?

I mean... they already have a wall... but, what about the humanitarian disaster that follows ?

How many South Korean's do we have to sacrifice to end North Korea? I think that is what has allowed this circus to persist, ending it will cost South Korea far more than it does North Korea. At some point we crossed the line between if we could win the war, and if we can afford to win the war.
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SO... what happens why you topple the NK Regime and you suddenly create 25 million refugees?

I mean... they already have a wall... but, what about the humanitarian disaster that follows ?

How many South Korean's do we have to sacrifice to end North Korea? I think that is what has allow this circus to persist, ending it will cost South Korea far more than it does North Korea. At some point we crossed the line between if we could win the war, and if we can afford to win the war.

We bring them all to the US of course.
lol conspiracy theory?... google "yemen nuke" theres hundreds of sources and videos.

thinking everything is "just a conspiracy theory" is about as retarded as believing in every conspiracy theory. you're a mindless twat either way
samsung nooooooooooo

without china giving the green light (never going to happen) we can't first strike.

America right now is made in China.