[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Step up the war effort boys! We need more boots on the ground.

My poll numbers are at an all time low and those girls need mini skirts and heeling.
It is strange don't you think? The very people that thought trump supporters would riot and start trouble are in fact the very ones guilty of losing their shit.

There is a point to what people will put up with and then the trump supporters will take the law into their own hands. You will rue the day

That's how bad it will be, you will rue it. I have no idea what that means but it doesn't sound good

this is exactly what they are hoping for, and trying to accomplish.
look ill prolly get alot of hate for this but..

Trump may be acting like a baby but massive amounts of the left are doing worse. This is not going to get trump out of office, this is just going to ensure that we never let the left get anyone into office ever...

IMHO.. I have been wrong before.
My hope was that he'd be so incompetent and corrupt that it would cripple the US government enough to put a stop the the MIC's constant war mongering around the world for which Europe pays the price, but that hasn't worked. So, he's pretty useless.
Small troop surge in Afghanistan versus war with Russia? I think I made the right choice.

You can thank Bernie Sanders for pointing that out during the primaries.
My hope was that he'd be so incompetent and corrupt that it would cripple the US government enough to put a stop the the MIC's constant war mongering around the world for which Europe pays the price, but that hasn't worked. So, he's pretty useless.

The presidency is being run by the military, it was a soft coup.

He's been brought to heel.

that's the liberal fantasy anyway.