[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

All governments fucking suck. That is their core essence.

Imagine getting arrested and fined in UK for saying something offensive. They're oppressive shitholes.

Ours is fucking amazing compared to the rest of the world. Hence why it's so important to keep it that way and fight against the communists. Pretty much anything they say should be automatically considered wrong/suspect. If they aren't logical or right on ANY other topic, what rational thought would lead you to the idea that their views on universal healthcare are.
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Ah, the government sucks. It sucks that we can even attempt to influence it. Oh well, better just leave it all to de facto dictatorships called corporations, they're infallible. I love being raped by rich men.
Can anyone explain why they put so much faith in a gvt that has provably lied, extorted, and cheated the People?

Why on Earth would you want your health in their hands?
Ah, the government sucks. It sucks that we can even attempt to influence it. Oh well, better just leave it all to de facto dictatorships called corporations, they're infallible. I love being raped by rich men.
That's why everyone with a brain wants small government and we fight for it.
Imagine getting arrested and fined in UK for saying something offensive. They're oppressive shitholes.

Not being a sad cunt who has 'being an edgy racist online' as one of their main hobbies, I have to say I find it quite difficult to empathise with you on this one...

Not being a sad cunt who has 'being an edgy racist online' as one of their main hobbies, I have to say I find it quite difficult to empathise with you on this one...

Well that's because you're a moron. :shrug:

Didn't you leave the UK anyway?
Well, in Australia the Medicare levy is 2% of taxable income, for many people that's less than they would spend in a year on lattes from Starbucks. y.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

If you think that 2% is all the system costs, I've got a bridge to sell you.
Total tax revenue collected from all levels of gov in AUS is around $400B. Their health expenditure is around $160B.

2% levy... lmao. That's the cherry they put on top of the cake when they fuck the middle class.
Bull. Fucking. Shit.

If you think that 2% is all the system costs, I've got a bridge to sell you.

No, 2% is all the person pays.

Don't forget, this is the system Trump himself said was better than what the US has.