[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

typical tele behavior

anything that supports me is real, anything that doesn't is fake news

a person who indulges in hypocrisy.
synonyms: pretender, dissembler, deceiver, liar, pietist, sanctimonious person, plaster saint;
phaytal I am curious what your occupation is.

1. Starbucks barista

2. Support tech at an Apple store

3. college student studying gender equality

4. post grad interning at a mega corp

5. professional craigslist protester

in my sig he brags about his 1 Million plus dollar house (given his states property tax rate)

so a good follow up question is how many refugees is he paying for and also taking in?

in reality we both know that he is as insecure as everyone else who brags about their wealth/materials online and complains about Trumps hubris

tele maybe if u worked in the private sector and got off the government cheese wagon maybe you'd be better off

pull yourself up by your own bootstraps kind of thing
u just learn that lesson cael?

i thought asians were high iq...could count

i don't need to brag about how much money the government throws at me meow as independent contractor

that i have to throw back in order to not drown in it all


get on my level son
hey tele remember when you yapped about how you cant even hold down a local govt job because you have a personality disorder

so now you just collect unemployment like jomo and talk shit on this stupid fucking forum
this is the same mind that thinks being part of the government system he rails about everyday is normal


dont forget to keep telling everyone else how much they are angry with 100 more posts and memes. Not sure if you heard but Trump won the election and the only rage happening now are from cupcakes like you who do not have any value or comprehension of National pride. On top of that you don't have the comprehension level to differentiate patriotism from "anger and racism".

Perhaps you are just trolling but I doubt it. You seem waaaay to vested to posting stupid comments rather than getting a quick "teehee" out.

dont forget to keep telling everyone else how much they are angry with 100 more posts and memes. Not sure if you heard but Trump won the election and the only rage happening now are from cupcakes like you who do not have any value or comprehension of National pride. On top of that you don't have the comprehension level to differentiate patriotism from "anger and racism".

Perhaps you are just trolling but I doubt it. You seem waaaay to vested to posting stupid comments rather than getting a quick "teehee" out.




hey tele remember when you yapped about how you cant even hold down a local govt job because you have a personality disorder

so now you just collect unemployment like jomo and talk shit on this stupid fucking forum

well you are posting here too aren't you on this "stupid fucking forum"

I was beginning to think you got your 30 day anger management chip for good behavior tsk tsk
that is what you guys got from me being doxxed as a rocket scientist right out of college for NASA


local gubmt job worker

reading comprehension not strong with ESL and ADHD autists