This is for you Trump voters.


so when is hillary going to take the wall down around her home?

but wait, what's this?


no, walls divide us!


damn, Israel has a pretty sweet wall. Who are they trying to keep out? Illegal immigrants? But I thought they were good for the economy.


Can someone explain this to me? I just saw Martin O'Malley on Fox News and he said that Donald Trump is a fascist because he wants to build a wall. When/where is it ok to build a wall and why/how does it make some people fascist but not others?
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and for people on the left who don't know what that ^^^^^ means

these super pacs are supposed to be set up like charities that can accept money from corps and unions to push a political agenda. they are limited from working too closely, this closely, with the actual candidates and their campaigns.

so this isn't some hack premise......what she is doing is clearly illegal


In its 2010 case Citizens United v. FEC, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned sections of the Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (also known as the McCain-Feingold Act) that had prohibited corporate and union political independent expenditures in political campaigns. [4] Under this act, freedom of speech was restricted as Super PACs and other special interest groups were not allowed to engage in political speech and could not use independent spending in support of a political candidate. Citizens United made it legal for corporations and unions to spend from their general treasuries to finance independent expenditures related to campaigns, but did not alter the prohibition on direct corporate or union contributions to federal campaigns.[5][6] Organizations seeking to contribute directly to federal candidate campaigns must still rely on traditional PACs for that purpose.[7]

She hates Citizens United decision so she doesn't feel she has to follow it. This isn't how RULE OF LAW works in America.

As with all laws, any laws, she just ignores the ones she thinks she can take advantage of, that she believes she is above, are too good for, while creating more restrictive ones for the rest of us.....for her opposition


this entire election, both sides of the debate, summarized in one stupid 5 minute argument

fake tears special snowflakes....."It'll be OK"


The ultimate in women suffering was created through the implementation of woman's suffrage.
I doubt she will win Texas. I think she'll play it safe in the battlegrounds. She'll hit PA/OH/NC/FL hard and end up winning.
You are an idiot
Except I'm not.

If you want to serve, great. However, they should never be massively incentivizing it so that they have an endless supply of soldiers to waste.

People should be proud enough of their country to sign up without promises of riches (loosely use that term) and/or for actual threats to our nation.

There are no threats, and Israel needs Americans to die, so money is their resort.
I doubt she will win Texas. I think she'll play it safe in the battlegrounds. She'll hit PA/OH/NC/FL hard and end up winning.

I wonder how effective their "brown to blue" plan of planting muslims and illegals in red states will be.

I believe they've planted hundreds of thousands of muslims in Texas.

and then you have shit like this... in Texas for fucks sake

I wonder how effective their "brown to blue" plan of planting muslims and illegals in red states will be.

I believe they've planted hundreds of thousands of muslims in Texas.

and then you have shit like this... in Texas for fucks sake

Won't matter. By 2020, after Hillary's amnesty, all states will be blue. 1 party rule is here.