Snark...duly noted the first time you said that cogz

Gg hf

Still doesn't change that the entire IP discussion was intended to be a dishonest derailment from the get go
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Given LouCy's reputation I don't believe he has to pick. Him and Dealy proudly fly the flag of both with an unequivocal reputation

It's interesting... both are shameless about it, but when pressed, they are somehow 'independent'. LouCy is worse in my opinion. A libertarian who is for increasing the power of the State, lol. That's not how it works.

EdofNor shredded him on unemployment and nighttrain knocked his ass out on the bottom of page 44 while you were mocking his pro-authoritarian stances.

lemon being the score keeper after cogz claimed victory is cracking me up.

Do you think any of them have figured out what IP is yet?
You're a terrible liar or incompetent. Pick one.

Go check how this all developed, if you're capable. Your comprehension is rather... low.
He called you out, after your deflection with the wiki link.

You're such an intellectual but you can't articulate an actual response. Only a "find the answer for yourself" tehvulian reply.
I'd really like to give round 3 to the lefties but since it's 3 on 1 and none of them seem willing to state their position either ROUND 3 GOES TO SS. Stalemate?
I'm still waiting to hear how the tragedy of the commons applies to IP.
The theory is irrelevant to the question. Either -SS- sides with the producer, or the consumer. Seeing as he's a typical Koch/Paul "Libertarian" he's not going to side with the consumer.
Do libertarians reject any and all governmental protection for intellectual property?

If you actually understood property Rights, you wouldn't have to ask that question. :D

You leftists are a riot -you think Libertarianism is just a nice word for anarchism. Not very educated I see.

Anyway, LouCy, you are more than welcome to back your fallacious claims. It really displays how little you actually understand the philosophy. States Rights are an extension of Individual Rights in the capacity as a night watchman. I'll educate you more: minarchism.

Then it shouldn't be so difficult for you to answer.

He called you out, after your deflection with the wiki link.

You're such an intellectual but you can't articulate an actual response. Only a "find the answer for yourself" tehvulian reply.

Order of precedence, just as I said.

So which is it? Incompetent or a liar? Both?

I'm still waiting to hear how the tragedy of the commons applies to IP.

You dispute it. Show how it isnt.

This isnt about me getting you to post an answer and claiming some bullshit internet 'victory'.

It's about what you really believe and for some odd reason, you're too chickenshit to post one.

All of you are.
it's actually about how you enjoy being an asshole for some reason, but whatever.

the tragedy of the commons is about how the overuse of a scarce resource results in everyone losing as the quantity of the resource is outstripped by demand resulting in the destruction of that resource.

IP is not a scarce resource and IP that is in the public domain, or otherwise freely available for use, benefits everyone and generates billions of dollars a year in revenue and creates a fuckton of jobs.

so no, the tragedy of the commons does not apply to IP.

the founding fathers even agree with me.